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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. congrates on new dog I thought it was shiba inu try here for all the tablets, HEAPS cheaper than VET here. http://www.vetproductsdirect.com.au/
  2. I think he is taking piss, if you ask me. LOL white zombie- if you are seriouse PM me. you are warned! Glue
  3. we call it NO LAG SKYLINES :lol: come to N/A section of the forum then we will show you what is capable of with SKYLINES without those over rated laggy hair driers.... hahah N/A mod
  4. shaun you know I am flat out from uni and work. anyway Stick with topic please.
  5. I am just amazed about your engine with that snail . how is the handling of that car with V8? plus what's da net weight ratios? have you done anything with suspension? your car is awesom
  6. hahah long enough, Law and Veterinary degrees take 5 years each... you do the math
  7. sarcasm on so if you have 20 parking fines + DUI + dangerouse drving... you might have to serve community service by eg. drving school bus for months, drive bus from to retirement villages..... driving garbage trucks early in da morning.... hahahhaha
  8. I found this while doing uni work on Mandatory sentencing.... you might interest to know government is about to change few sentencing laws. _____________________________________________________ provision: What is to change? the provision of section 106 of the road Traffic Act are to be re-cast to btter clarify the relationship between that Act and the Sentencing Act. The road traffic Act will also be amemnded to provide for the full range of communithy0-based sentencing option for all driving offences. eg. chages to the road traffic act will reduce the incidence of people being imprisoned as a result of default on fines......etc....etc... go and read more.... if you wanna know more http://www.justice.wa.gov.au/portal/server...cing_regime.pdf cheers Joe
  9. haha spelling mistake.. hahah I ment to say brake discs looks small when you have 17" wheel hahahah I was being funny as I said up grade look smick!!!
  10. How much can you push out with standard ECU?? I am sure you can chip them perhaps? I have found out that I had BLITZ ACCESS ECU on my R33 GTS-4. Better ECU for NA does exist. me two cents
  11. nice wheels by the way, what size rim is that??? those blakes looks smaller hahahhaha
  12. I think ur right... can u take photo?
  13. I heared that "GLASS HOUSE" TV on SBS... I think that a lot of bs
  14. It seems there are significant differntce between cars... my car had RB25DE but it was GTS4 on dyno made 94kw at all four wheel cheers Joe
  15. Bull shit IT was not monaro did his back, I thougjt and he said it was new TVR. now he is replaced by German nurburge ring test drive WOMEN!!!! yes jeremey is replaced by women drive whom drove nurburge ring 3000 times plus. LOL
  16. Man I wish I was there so that I can Jump on the STAGE!! saying YOU ARE FARKING TOOL JAMES!!!!
  17. yeah it can be done if you have Money... I tell you this TOPIC came up a lot of time, maybe not with R34 but with R33 and R33. anything is possible... minds you I have driven R34 GT4, they are solid car even without Turbo.
  18. I just finished watching 17th/07/05 episode of TOP GEAR http://www.topgear.com. the conversation went like this Jeremy: old skyline (R34GTR) this is the car, as about as good car got... and I want one of those... and then James (co-presenter) says this : ITS AN AWFUL CAR!!! *Laughter between audience break out* they are lumpy, bumphy and they got spoilers and they usually have stupid wheels... they got shinny interior and Driven by stupid people wearing baseball caps worng way around. Then Jeremy say: DOES ANYONE HAVE A GUN!!, Knife or anything I can kill him with (people laugh) then JAMES says: I like new rolls royce cuz it comes with PENS!!! LOL James is FARKING TOOL!!! hahahah I just want to share that with you... chers Joe
  19. hahahh cant get it out of my head
  20. Thanks but I was kinda after that 2002 Turbo V8 esprite looks like one deloran
  21. Anyone know where I can get some of information regarding Lotus V8? Is there any web site in Australia? thanks
  22. stop confusing people. LOL how is fuel economy on V8 like? is it soarer V8?
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