heheh I know... I double and triple check on my reports
but not here I give no shit ! :)
here is more...
Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi causes lymphatic Filariasis and Elephantiasis, more than a billion people are at risk. These parasites are endemic in at least 80 countries. It is primarily a disease of the poor people because of its frequent prevalence in remote rural areas and disfavored peri-urban and urban areas. The patients are physically incapacitated and cannot work nor live a normal life They suffer from physical, social, psychological and economical disadvantages, physically they are unable to care for self, isolated from the community, family stress and sexual disability. Psychologically they are depressed, hopelessness and fatalism even suicide does occur. Economically it decrease ability to work due to acute inflammatory attacks and treatments are very costly often ineffective. There are health programs to stop the spread of filarial infections by interrupt transmission in all endemic countries, this prevents the suffering and disability of affected individuals. The control is largely depends on the elimination of mosquito breeding sites. There are also drugs available use of diethyl-carbamazine (DEC), Mebendazole and ivermectin. Theses drugs are all effective against the microfilariae, but not as in adults. Individual protection can be increased through the use of insect repellents and bed netting.