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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. not as much as Korea... it cost me arm and leg every time I call me parents... damm telestar they charge shit loads compare to other country telecom
  2. speaking of DVD players... I spoke to my niece today...heheh well it's more like one way conversation, she just cried when I said Hi ya how's it going welcome to new world heheh good to hear baby cry
  3. Now I have chance to own a Skyline GTR and evern better calsonic R34 GTR
  4. COOL how much is PS2 again? lol!
  5. Joke a side it has to be the compatible personality... I love all :boobies2: :69: :whackit: :rave: :alcoholic :) :Pimp: :inlove:
  6. I just had crazy thought when I red your reply... Why Oh Why can't I do that with WOMEN:confused: :bahaha:
  7. I hear you are an expert to talk to Deenish... so what do you wnat me to buy?
  8. soo let's hear some product names not company names...
  9. :Owned:
  10. Macka = boobs man :boobies2: Pva_Glue = Ass man :shake: anyone wanna add?
  11. :lol: it's better just by $100 DVD player for Computer lol
  12. heheh I rather beat the jerky, spank the monkey, let the piston fire.... btw... I am looking for DVD player, any one help me? I have budget $300. dont care about hte names... I just wanna play multi region DVD if you know what I mean
  13. :Owned:
  14. zora is hot H O T HOT!
  15. mate next time I'll cook best Korean BBQ ever Just provide me with beer
  16. lol macka I just cook me self... 1/2 cup of rice 1/2 cabbage salt sugar garlic chicken chillie paste use your imagination what I am eating now
  17. see ya dark
  18. see ya niz
  19. Not me mate... hahahah lol :bahaha: me no asian me Korean
  20. told ya mate she was 3 yrs older than me... I was her toy boy lasted less than 6 month Dark- she was hot! for the asian chick, She was only asian chick I went out with...ever. I know this may surprise you but I am Asain too dont know Asain chick doenst do it for me unless they are hot like my ex... cheers Joe
  21. Niz- I know I do make girl jealouse... that could be my problem. my ex hated me a girl I study with... I known this girl for 3 years and every time I talk to girls at uni, she keep asking me who that was and that and that..... oneday she saw me hugging my best friend (yeah a girl) whom I havent seen for whole year... and that was it she didt talk to me for ages.... I make up but she told me that she was counting how many secound I was hugging her for.... 27 secounds... lol... hahhaha lucky I dint kiss her
  22. What am I invisible?
  23. well just say I was the one and my ex gf went mental after hahhaha... well I thought really that was pretty good look on that particular girl... but then agin my ex was very jelouse type cheers Joe
  24. NO problemo big bro! I hope you get to keep some of those trophy cheers Joe
  25. ok I wanna hear girls propective... ok you just put on a skirts you like and came out from fitting room and look in yourself mirror what if a guy near by told you "hey that look nice on you" - with girl friend near by... how you would react? eh?
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