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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. Depends on Paul or my mate who will be going also on his Soarer... What time have you in mind. I wont mind having a late lunch at christina's then Ice Cream
  2. hahah same thing happend to me too! in the vegi section in the bottom of fridge... I have hydroponics. all sorts of things are growing there year old mince hahahah I had 6 month old steak and I was fine
  3. Sunday! Ice Cream after at baskins @ east Vic Park :P
  4. Good morning, so how is your mood swing?
  5. Hahhaahh I only have water and pickles...
  6. Do them now Dan! cuz as long as map is ready, we can do it anyday probably not this weekends... cheers Joe
  7. Man that ham and cheese went down very good plus large apple juice love the stuff. It looks like urine but it taste very good
  8. Good morning... on our floor there is only one receptionist and I! hahah :bahaha:
  9. GO TO BED ALL! Gggeezzeee...ish cheers Joe
  10. see ya niz and troy and micko and russle and all! see ya all later Please check my post on wasteland! cheers Joe
  11. :Owned:
  12. damm I had my 3 sec fame on that note I am going to bed!
  13. well that comes with pain of muscle fibre burnning off my carbo (rice fuel)... damm latic acids...
  14. it spells elaborate...
  15. I love running it clears my mind! besides love the view of Perth river side
  16. add these to your note Troy! *don't piss off Niz, she will ripp into you* *dont menstion about plastic burning smell in the car* *Dont ride wiht her when she is in bad mood*
  17. uummm sorry Niz I forgot to ask you 1st time we met! Do you play basketball? :shake: cheers Joe
  18. Comb over ? :bahaha:
  19. assets? I got assets... I just dont have cash!
  20. on the 2nd thought... maybe not! :yak:
  21. Do you think Ken will like me working on him? eh? I want that ARC GTR
  22. I do my best, I do my best btw way speaking of huge! I went to target today to buy my neice a toy! and man they are very very $$$$$ expensive! and how expensive is the child seats?!?!? man O man I have to save up big time damm baby toy company makes millions!
  23. unfortuanly yeah he does
  24. hahahahah you are big! hahah... I wish I took more shot but everyone was leaving... next tiem we weill have proper phtoshoot! can you get on top of bonnet and spread teh legs? :nahaha: :lol:
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