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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. it's me angel Tanya
  2. I'll close them for now if you wanna add/Change PM me
  3. lol at my new avata... that's ghey!
  4. DAmmm it I just waste 20c
  5. I've sent mayhem's number so check your phone Pauly
  6. I have his mobile number do you want me to PM you?
  7. Yeap same rule as last time, I cant find the damm thred.... cheers Joe
  8. I thought adam used my old jean to cover his engine :bahaha: maybe he should have !
  9. Pail-did you get the CD from Ken? and can you make up new post for the motovation comp for this year auto salone! cheers Joe
  10. Movie? nop...
  11. well we will see how I go this time
  12. hahahah umm are you talking about your car? or dog? heheh
  13. YOU BET WE ARE!!! and I am ganna win! cheers Joe
  14. also if Tanya comes too you both can hop on and pose.... double wahame!
  15. Niz... I am always company you besides you can hop on the any of the car and pose for my camera come on I know you want to!
  16. so it'll be fixed by this weekneds? would he drive to forest rally? cheers JOe
  17. I am not sure how hot she is but I know normal human being is about 37 'C body core temperature. but then again she is women, which boils at anything.
  18. Paul can I bring Tanya if she wants to come?
  19. Thanks Paul so it's a date! I'll make sure I'll take nice photos of every one even you plus bikini girls
  20. it fly pass yesterday.. damm billing! cehers Joe
  21. yeap I need to have at least 5m Molar or carbo in my blood constant! mate I eat RICE every day If you eat RICE and Soy sauce and greens Plus 20km run every day... you will loose least 20km in month of time cheers Joe
  22. damm that RICE and NOODLE fill me up good cehers Joe
  23. I wanna goto forest rally but I have to study Molecular biology I really wanna go! but! can some one take me to funky town~~? you take me to funky town~~ ahem I mean to AUTO SALOON! cheers Joe
  24. hahahha eveyone is at uni... me murdoch students haviogn week off well study week but I am work, paying off my living expenses
  25. Sneeza ! if you wanna buy chochlates in town try one corner of hay st next to David jones... miles(AKA WASSABI) works there cheers JOe
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