Fedora 2.4 something?? I duunoo...
What is it? Fedora.
Machine has 80GB HD and its such waste in the machine I dotn have password or username to get into the system.
so reinstall windaz eh?
what is this and How do you use it?
I just inherited 2nd computer form friend going overseas, and gave machine with FEDORA core in it. no pass word or user name. so I can get in it
what do I do with it?
about to wipe machine and put Windaz...
Got yer pic Thanks
I am poor uni student, need cheapo seat.
I feel that I might insult you if I offer you a price (that I can afford), so I wont.
THanks for the picture
I let it go 2weeks after it happen but some ideot is bringing back old threads.
for the record I am not happy with all this shit, and PMed prank about it.
Where is WA mods ffs.
Thank you for the offer,
is it SONY CD changer? holds 5?
beside I already bought from cashies converters. use less without right changer and FACE.
THank you for the offer but I dotn need it no more
ps. this thread is like 2 years old