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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. your boyfriend doesnt count ;) yeah it was quite eye oepener for me, it inloved beer, $1 paper money and a pole. cheers JOe
  2. last time when chick stripped infornt of me was @ the hhmmm rather not say... it was fun
  3. hahah venga boyz... :lol: I think I had enough abuse from Vspec and Nizmo and skyzzer33. HI sneeza ?going it how's
  4. also... when was last time you checked on your spare tire? eh?
  5. Can I ask this? When did you 1st relised that life isnt fair...?
  6. :lol:
  7. i have psp but no go with creating gif files :confused:
  8. also anyone selling 2nd hand computer parts?
  9. what program do you use for creating gif files?
  10. Hi all! I dont know it this is worth the new thred but I need help from you computer wizzard people! I'll be shortly upgrading my computer. and I need help! what can I buy on $1000 budget? ok I already have PII333 monitor 40G HD and other stuff... mouse, keyboards 56Modem Altec Lancing Speakers I have about 3 HD doin nothing I want to use them still! so I need new case can hold heaps of HD Kodak Burner so what do I need and where can I go? comp will mostly used for Study! so I want stable comp cheers Joe
  11. I know Beauty is only skin deep.
  12. ok I had fun changing avata... I better read some books...
  13. when is this?
  14. well they are not mine... and dont know if you saw my chicks but they are way better :confused: and troy donest give you permission to post those pics! Big NO NO!
  15. is that ok? not crossing any lines or stepping on toe?
  16. :confused:
  17. how about this one? not good?
  18. ok testing testing more... if my avata offends anyone please let me know.
  19. shit micko what! are you sure you didnt get hit by golf ball or something? shit! not good at all yeah it was pretty hot! dammm.. new window eh?
  20. testing 1234 testing
  21. dang... that's why it's sooo hot. I shouldn't have run today
  22. temperature is too hot! and so am I
  23. ok bit HOT!
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