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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. only irish accent I know is From the movie "SNATCH" when brad pitt was asking this guy if he liked dogs... "so you like dags...?"
  2. I still speak very well on Korean and Engrish... I also did Jap.. but only cuz I like the girl
  3. and can not go pass without VENGA BOYZ they rock!!!
  4. yeap... sure is... I like Norah Jones too there I admit it I have estranged taste on Music
  5. I dont know ever since I heared it touched my heart
  6. call me softy! I wanna learn italian http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...&threadid=11721
  7. damm that's what I call modified car
  8. Sorry... let's keep this on the topic...
  9. I'll take that bath tub :bahaha:
  10. there is not may GTST pulls that time, me thinking it's git old big daddy dan's old car aka Immacu8 cheers JOe
  11. hear hear! so when can I cash in that ride :confused:
  12. damm more study like I really need that... hahaha :bahaha: anyway thanks all I'll keep you updates
  13. is your car Black R33 GTS25T? or maybe not... custom plates and all the works... am I wrong?
  14. heheh I'll give ya ride any time baby step... ok so what do I do to get the licence? do I go to cop shop and do the bike test? or what people? give some input that I can use !!!
  15. congrate to you and me! we both sold our cars in same day? cheers JOe
  16. probably... I wont go freeway with 250cc... lol really old granny will run me over on the freeway
  17. Geezzss at least you are not saying just plain NO! Nizzy you are post whore and alcholic! or visa versa
  18. yeha that's what I am thinking.. that's learner capacity rihgt? 250cc
  19. Niz would you mind come over here and rub that lotion on my back? oohh come on I know you want to
  20. damm it I put too much on me arm.. lol! damm it!!! why do they come out soo much when you just want little arrgg! you cant win!
  21. hahah lol what are the chances I actually got that nivea for men... good stuff love the smell cheers Joe
  22. hahah lucky duck... did you get cams licence as well? heheh uummm I am looking at couple of 2k maybe max! I have to get the licence b4 I buy one cheers JOe
  23. man I am having skin problem... no it's not infectiouse! :lol: from last cruise my arm got very burnt! and now my skin is pilling off... what can I do? any girly tips?
  24. well just saying I dint know it was illigal... wont cut it. just plea guilty and over and done with it! if you continue the actual date of court hearing will be upto 6 month or more. cheers Joe
  25. ok my car is gone... I had my fun with it. I hope it ends up good home! anyway I am thinking the death trap, yeah the revhead + 1000cc Mike = Death! anyway I want to get some tips or advice on choosing bike, but b4 do that I need to get a bike permit! what are the steps and is there people I can call for lesson? cheers Joe
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