codes 12 = Fore and aft G sensor2 or circuit
codes 13 = Fore abd aft G sensor 1, fore and aft Gsensor 2
codes 14 = Fsensor power supply 1 or circuit
3M surcurity tint is good but... most of tint places will only do window bits... that you can see... not the hole lot!
to do that tinting shop must take your door out and tint the whole glass...
what's the point doing surcurity tint when they smash it then ripp it out with hands... especially skylines have no metal surrounding so it is even easier!
so ask them if they can tint whole glass bits!
Talk to Mr.GTRKen...
you been looking for GTR for ages but I guess it have to be good one I know you have high standard, when it comes down to GTR, but who would not
Maybe this is odd question..
if you set the spring too hard, wont it damage in side componets too? eg. speakers dash aircon systems...etc..etc?
not to mension your vital body organs...
hhmmmmm same here I had REdline oil in my Auto box... (yeah I know)...
if feels really hard to change the gears etc..etc...
I think redline is over rated... and $$$$ too!
as boosted_RB26 said try to change the fluid
wank off EMU?!??! :lol: 1st time I heared it...
but there is a ABC Video "Zoos Inside story" in one episode zoo keeper had to wank off Rhinosaurace for the semen... :lol:
funny that cuz I was Zookeeper once...(no I was not the one did above) I was Bird Keeper at Perth Zoo
That's why I know how to Pull chicks
It's GOLD!!! :D
God that was 1st time I ever got needle... for while anyway!
I've been sticking needle in Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, birds....etc.etc.
hahah Now I know how they feel
ooohhhhh come on!
I know you wanted but you just didnt want to do it infront of your Girl friend! cuz she might think you've turned :lol:
ps. If you spend all the $$$$ on the car, this is what happends to other stuff!
I am not sure if Macka actually had shower that morning!
If you see closely you can see Pubs between Macka's bumm crack!! :lol: