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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. does it clicks when you turn>? try to turn them at night with lights on... it might adjust the dash light! cheers Joe
  2. Don't : dont drive in the wet! Do: drive when it's dry! seriously have good tires Drive slow in wet watch out for other cars cheers Joe
  3. where do I get one? cheers Joe
  4. I want turbo timer on my NA cheers Joe
  5. FOR FARK SAKE USE SEARCH! Try here cheers Joe
  6. $200 for auto gear box? cheers Joe
  7. lol... buy kyeles a scooter! cheers Joe
  8. man sorry to hear.... that. well it is unfortunate.... you should've take down the all the details b4 lend your car to anyone! can you PM me the name...? cheers Joe
  9. nah I wont cuz... it's genetic thing.... luckly my gradfather mother side and mom side has all the hair! cheers Joe
  10. ohhh.... thanks cheers Joe
  11. so where do I get one? cheers Joe
  12. What is comb over? I mean coil overs...?!?!? some one explain to me please! cehers JOe
  13. OK that's it! I AM SUEING SKYZZER33 for Verbal abuse!!! You will hear from my lawyer! cheers Joe
  14. Nice I would swap with my 94 GTS-4 cheers Joe
  15. saw 4 in last four dayz... all MKII cheers Joe
  16. RESPECKT! cheers Joe
  17. bummer!
  18. he'll be back in few month then you prepare your self with shot GUN! cheers Joe
  19. Greg it's easy said than done... but fundrasing would work!
  20. mate if you are not situation where your ass is hanging by string... you wont look out for anyine else...
  21. if skyzzer33 move his fat ass and finish wht he started... nah tryo is doing it! cheers Joe
  22. anyone had that feeling while you driving... you try to push bit more and more... then something happends, you starting to pray!.. arrggg I 'm farked... shit! @#$@%. I had that last time I went to country driving... 160 kmph all the way on right hand turn then alof sudden my rear of the car gently over steering to the left, due to the gravels on the road... and thinking ohh shit! you star breaking but still over steers... Luckly I am equipped with Attesa so I put the foot to the metal.. I just managed to come out :eek: :eek: . man that was one scary turn I ever did... :lol: I was no where too... if I totally farked it up probably ended up between trees! anyway carefull on country driving..etc. cheers Joe
  23. Endless are very very good but it will eat away your rotor like butter on HOT grill! cheers Joe
  24. that millpoint exit is pretty dangerouse... already claimed two life while back in porche 928... I must say I take that corner way too fast... but oneday if there is any oil spill then all the cars would skidd off the road end up head on pole or the brickwall. so boyz and gals WATCH OUT Mill Point road EXIT!! cheeers Joe
  25. they call it GTX Greg! cheers Joe
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