Ok having trouble with all the materials...
went to clarks rubber and burnnings to get some inspiration for the CAI...
I have found 3meter silver coil vent induction pipe but they cost too much and let alone dont need 3 metere/$21.60.
Found nice silver sheet of aluminium $18.23 or some thing like that, quite suitable...
found foam with silver lining but it also pretty fragile, not sure how it will hold with all the heats from the engine...
my best option is to go with aluminium sheet for the box and for piping...
saw few PVC pipes but hey are booldy heavy and there is not many choice to shoose from, they are rock hard and not sure how malleble they are with heat gun... but I shall try!
anyway thanks for reading... you polly think I am stingie one but yeah I am student with no $$$ :lol:
BTW can anyone show me how to take off the Front stock spoiler for series one?!?