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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. I went to work's liberary and got me self "Traffic Offences Book". I just red one chapter and there are so many things cops can not do, like randomly stop you with no ground and ask you pop the bonnet etc... police have no power to do so!. unless there is resonable doubt that you are suspected crime or traffic offence etc..etc. I'll let you people know my findings... Cheers Joe
  2. hahahha... it's like cant wait until you erase newly layed white double lines with your big fat 255 tires...:lol: cheers Joe
  3. No it was not worth the time I got hasseled. You get permits from when you yet canary and over pits. around $45 from lincencing centre approved by engineer. you can have Five things on your Permit cheers Joe
  4. Well yes... tow cops. sr,sgt. and detective they both had to be in the witness box and they sworn tell teh truth... but I know they lied about few things. yes, because I represented myself I can ask teh questions, just like lawyer will do but I did make statement saying I am not a lawyer so I am not familiar with the court preceedings so please excuse me if I make any mistake at all your worship! so I fired away the questions! cross examination style... and I ve dis prooved many things on their statements. and then I have to be on withness box and I gave me statements it's bit scary but Judge was very under standing... cheers Joe
  5. The Charge against me was "Creating Undue excessive Noise" I prove that the sound came from could been my loude exhust not from spinning wheel in wet road. Judge overruled that police may have been mistaken with exhaust sound. Plus I do have Permit saying mu exhust is under legal limit. Plus my attesa system. Proscusion did not want judge to see the premit but at the end I asked proscusion to read out loud in the court room. it said "AT THE TIME OF TESTING EXHUST IS IN THE LEGAL LIMIT!" so bamm I am free to go! cheers Joe yeap you should've seen their faces in the witness box... I hamer them with questions...
  6. MrSnurb u were there?!?! cheers Joe
  7. rear ones does nice job cheers Joe
  8. Did it run out of regoe... but does it have complience plate?!? cheers Joe
  9. White line?!?!?!? how much?!?
  10. You can read them here... noticed the date I accused and today's date... yeah it takes long time to be processed... What a waste of time and TAX payers Money! http://forums.skylinesdownunder.co.nz/show...&threadid=14457 cheers Joe
  11. research research research... cheers Joe
  12. I am just glad know that I am right for once! It was more principle than fine... Money come and go but you don't want to loose any point from 12 point... I have very record... NO FINE YET! exapt one canary while back cheers Joe
  13. I won the court case regarding creating excessive noise today. I presented my case being my own representative, if you can speak and willing to learn law and you are confident in the court then DIY! (Who needs lawyer anyway!. I presented my case stated that police made mistake on the proceeding. So I am Freeman! still have all 12 points on my already clean record. it is good feeling that you are right! If you didn't do wrong then you act with principle (dont be let down cuz you dont want go ahead with it), which I was confident that I was right. also GET THE PERMITS! it will help you in many cases. make sure you have permits for your mods if possible! ps.I wont do it again it's not worth the hassles you get! cheers Joe
  14. Ummm it could been me I was going to some's house... I was around south perth area... I did Dragged the new VW Golf or some thing.... I WON heheh only by one car length..he was reving hard and wheel spin... but NA skyline is still faster! and now I am back at work from court! ehheh I WON cheers Joe
  15. well good luck with it! cheers Joe
  16. AutoWorks are good place to have your kits! There are another place you can try! workauto at bently... they just opend new shop as well! cheers Joe
  17. More details are here... about bikiniwash http://www.bikiniwash.com.au cheers Joe
  18. I am ganna do this summer holiday... Best one so far I've seen is ADAMQ's nice intake so let's fire away ideas! ps.I've not seen you for ages Clifford! cheers Joe
  19. OK Boyz and Ladies! BIKINI WASH DAY ARE GO! I have found perfect place to do it on sunday of mid december! so I'll organise some thing out with place and Bikini ladies so let's hope we get nice turn out! cheers Joe
  20. you got mail... cheers Joe
  21. I spotted R33 GTS-4 number plate 1Att---hang on it's me also I have spotted Rhino's silver GTR today! Good luck on your new job cheers Joe
  22. I got one made by trusty my mouth!! I can go ppppzpzwweeechhhhh..... all the time I change my auto! cheers Joe
  23. quite a few times... let me see 1st time I drove N/A skyline upgrade from 4cylinder 2nd time drove R33 GTR 3rd time drove R34 GTR 4th time drove Twin turbo Soarer 5th time once I was in the Twin Turbo 300ZX driven by MrKen!a.k.a.gtrKen. I shit me pants... cheers Joe
  24. some of mofided cars gets them remove... cuz they are sucks on high speed... also it's prone to cause trouble on trackdays... by removing make car lighter cheers Joe
  25. unlike some one:stupid: soem of us won't drink :alcoholic :coffee: or :Pimp: or have :cuddle: :69: :sperm: ok maybe we do have :inlove: in the car cheers Joe:)
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