Private Sellers:
If you have more than 1 item to sell, post them all in the one thread
No EOI posts (expression of interest). If you post in the For Sale forum, then the item(s) is for sale.
No posting on behalf of friends. If your friend wishes to sell something, tell them to join.
No posting of EBAY links or links to posts on other forums.
Include an accurate description and any details of the goods you are selling (this will benefit you too!)
Post your location (in the item title is helpful), wether you will ship the goods and the type of payments you will accept.
You MUST post a price for the item(s) you are selling. If you wish to take offers, please post a rough price range.
All posts MUST include either a phone number or valid email address that you can be contacted on.
Once your item has been sold, please edit your post to let other members know.
If you have images - you MUST post them! If they are too big to attach, you can upload them to the Gallery