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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. GET 4WD! ATESSA RULES cheers Joe
  2. Let's have this is sunday morning going to the Mundarling dam just like last SDU hill cruise... but this time, will start bit early like 9:00 am Meet and Leave! Cheers Joe ps.Can some one change title of post to this? Photoshoot Meet 28th/07 Sunday 9AM
  3. ohh well **** happends mate... Good Luck with all... I have met many good people form this cruise... even I dotn remember all their names but I think they are pretty good blokes I think! you know who you are... helping hands... I'll see you guys on next cruise... cheers Joe ps.Shaun if you are ok and brave enough to see the little moron dance" I got on video... Just ask
  4. Hi macka do you have any left over paints? I am thinkin doing my brake calipers too... can you recomment any hight temperature paints? cheers Joe
  5. Hi Adam and Brett! hey Brett I saw you, few days ago... I almost Broke my driver side window trying to wave!!! LOL (window was closed *cold night*) I opened up to wave but you were already passed and gone, but catched glimps of you waving back... heheh... good to see. ps.Adam I am wating for you return soon! Cheers Joe
  6. My source tells me that there will be under cover cops... yes... there are groups of cops trying to crack down on late night dragging or misuse of automotive vehicles.... Just heads up! ps.Just dont kill your selves and LOOK OUT FOR WHITE SKYLINE OWNED BY BOOST! which got stolen quite a while ago... bastards! cheers Joe
  7. it looks good but someway it remind me of old 4door SUBARU. Cheers Joe
  8. I am so sorry for your loss... I hope you find it ASAP. I am sure we all Perth people will look out for it. sorry to hear that mate! ****IN theives!... cheers Joe NOT HAPPY JAN. If you need help with anything just let me know mate!
  9. HI I just wnat to clarify something... ok a car runs with 16" stock wheels one day then same car runs with 18" wheels, should there diffrence in Speedo reading beacuse the wheels are diffrent? does speed needs recalibration? I presume so... am I wrong? cheers Joe
  10. also talk to Paul at AUTOWORX @ wangara http://www.perthcars.com cheers Joe ps.I am getting new Front so you can buy off my Front bar it's Series one factory.
  11. now now What have you done to your car... check with les @ Interpower Australia... 52 stebbin St @ maddington... cheers Joe
  12. damm that's close...
  13. saw another R33 white sky damaged sitting at the NOrth mole car holding yard... cheers Joe
  14. he did his own grill.... look like ****! LOL j/k cheers Joe
  15. OI Tryo your phone still works RIGHT??!! if not I send you msg that I want TWO OF THEM!!! Cheers Joe
  16. HAHAHAH LO First of all I was sucking no one (a part from my girl (Respect!)) secound of all Blond isnt my type... 3rdly I was just saying what I saw, not What other people think they saw... 4th I am glad every thing turn out ok exapt it could handled better than how it turned out... cheers Joe
  17. How's that effect beefing up the Automatics? cheers Joe
  18. $300 not including paint and fitting I'llsay
  19. Can anyone know brand, people, products for beefing up Automatic transmissions for Skylines or any of that matter! Cheers Joe
  20. Yeah he was on one of our SDU cruise b4... cheers Joe
  21. I am lookin about for after market spoilers all round. I was wondering any one of you noticed any difference after you putting on after market spoilers from factory ones? a part from LOOKS of course... like noise? handling? fuel comsumption? etc..etc. anything out of ordinary? cheers Joe ps. I'm looking for 400R kits.
  22. I just went to the http://www.SkylinesAustralia.com and there is section with WA members ride. I think it would be good Idea we take some nice photos of our selves on this cruise... When? Date? I havent decided as yet but I'll will be saturday or sunday end of this month. polly sunny day as well! where? it will be @ mundarling dam. who? People in WA skyliners and their friends are welcome too! How? Bring your photoes or bring nice cameras Cheers Joe
  23. You can get a electronic Blow off valve for NA cars runs on car batt so I guess you can turn them off... hehhe... I make my own blow off shound with my mouth...PPPPPHHHHHHEeeeiisshhhhhhh..... Cheers Joe
  24. I know I mensioned this b4... What are the names for the Super chargers and specilists...etc. cheers Joe
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