calm down mate, its not end of the world
before you thinking of going to court over it, I suggest that you work it out HOW MUCH its worth to you.
*pay the fine and cop it sweet* or Fight for at least 8 month (if you can go longer... they will dragg all the way.
before I say more I'll say cop it sweet.
ok, what did you get charged?
1.what fine say?
2.and how is your previouse driving records?
3.What was road condition
4.Was the road works going on when you allegely doing 110kmph
5.Do you have police badge number? or name? (should be on the ticket)
6.well you have at least 30 days before you make payment & decision so I'll say do soem research on the web Traffic act...etc.
for all that and if you loose in court. It becomes criminal record and will follow you like little dark cloud, every police check etc..etc
Good luck mate, and truse me it will be alright and if you do study hard enough you will find that, under what section police can charge you because you dont have enough water in your window wash tank yeap its true!