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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. LEts see some Pictures!!!
  2. I am interest on that one... pm sent
  3. Very nice
  4. or just do the radio check on number plate... or just do the number plate check on radio :bahaha:
  5. hahah I just order this ...
  6. I ve seen TK @ perth!!! on road last year... I've drove one @ perth damm good car!!!
  7. I'm uber cautious and have a good driving history I have been court few times one for driving offence... few times for work. I am no worry at all, I've Won every case I have been charged with, reopresented by me, myself and I. so I am not scared of court, if you know the law you get some understanding ot the process... but i tell ya It wont be good idea be Smart ass when cop pull you over for what ever the reason cheers Joe
  8. I am laughing soo hard for the guy with folded jean hahahah a:bahah:
  9. http://www.pbase.com/pva_glue my contribution
  10. Engrish please...??? LOL.
  11. I have used my moisturizer... today.... yeap I did... better than have dry skin, my face was all flaky hahahha but you dont wanna know that
  12. now now... there is nothing gheyer than Troy's Number plate... who's agree hahahhah jk... *Joe hids* I think I've lost Lift previliges of the starship mstyoda...troy :slap: Joe cheers Joe
  13. was it Black tiptronic auto??? lowered nice wheels.... etc..etc.I think I;ve met you way b4 u had your skyline
  14. 93 Verada 1980 Mercedes-Benz PushBike Legs pram
  15. so did adrian gave you call? or in contact with you? tell me on the envelope when he sent the goods and when you have recieved it? so its really been more than month before he contacted you??? or was this just simple matter of waiting for another couple of days.... I hate to see people getting bad rap cuz people can not wait couple of days... anyway all sorted so good cheers JOe
  16. hahahahahhahahahah I was talking to lepperfish... I know what refurbished means.
  17. its also prehensile...
  18. hahahah lol troy is on to Dan... hahahah I get up take dump or drain the flood gate have shower check my boys and two hanging rocks put my eyes back on (contacts) brush me teeth check my biceps and admire :bahaha: move my fectorals couple of times (aka man boobs) I shave if I needed being oriental... no need me aint no ape. spray with clone what ever the mood is like... toomy or polo off to uni... get to work have another shower put on work clothes get home wash my hands and feet and face brush me teeth b4 I go back to bed... and repeat as directed. if I am lucky someone else will check my boys and two rocks agian b4 I go back to sleep...
  19. "Laptop is Refurbished by HP and has 4 month Warranty. Still sealed" english!! do you speak it?
  20. can I get some pics please...
  21. that's why rule say 'you have to post the Price!!!!' cheers Joe
  22. hahah why not try it out? its just there... no one.. just an empty room. I am thiking throwing party there soon, one of weekends if its not occupied by then... he could move in and extend the contract.
  23. put me down for medium, that'll give me some incentive to loose some weight so when drag combat comes I can wear it proudly hahahah cheers Joe
  24. ok.. this aint going anywhere... so I am closing it. if you wish to open this again please contact me or other mods cheers Joe
  25. ok mate... I understand what situatoin you are in, but please be civil about this. I am not taking your side nor adrian. IMHO I dotn see adrian as such person but I could be wrong. Please contact him as you normally would have. no response from him within resonable time PM the President of WA and Us MOD WA. cheers Joe
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