lol.... damm it, it is too... does it start in the morning?
it will only take 1:20 min for 12k.... hopefully faster than that this year
does it happend arvo too? I'll definately come and watch it
so I guess you lots are getting fitm very good!!!
anyone of you would like to join CITY TO SURF on 31st/AUG????
one month and bit to go... I am sure you guys can handle 12km run
what ya think?
my friend and I might be interest in it, but not that price...
even with the signs...
also where do you get after service, incase some thing goes wrong...
Mr.T if I am correct you been banned how many times from the forum?
I think you just like to post random stuff... which is not that funny at all...
me two cents
hi angel bye angel...
yeah I was in rexies car... I wanted to race you but rexie said if I do I'll never drive his car again so... no go...
hello mr.Micko how are you?