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Everything posted by bully

  1. my misses is the same
  2. awh the joys of travelling in a mercedes or a renault
  3. i know i havent been on of late but did sneeza have another prang? is she ok?
  4. good luck man hope to call in and have a look over the weekend
  5. ask strich9 or got boost we just did that gasket on his recently
  6. well we should start a congrats sneeza thread i guess
  7. is Sneeza really gettin married next week
  8. good cruise guys had a nice time
  9. yanchep cruise is on sunday
  10. if you come round tomorrow im doing a service on the starlet if you want a hand
  11. hmm nasty mood in here tonight
  12. thanks for all the advise guys - at lest i know its the only one in Rocky and all the local police know it as i talk to them for work often enough
  13. thanks for youe kind offer but the wife wont let me accept
  14. ok off to the gym cyas
  15. i heard the yanks wanted to borrow it as a spy antenna to listen into saddam, and osama
  16. what do you think them space shuttle astronauts use for a homing beacon
  17. i should have said man made im sorry
  18. how could anyone miss it - its the other thing that can be seen from space besides the great wall of China
  19. This happened this arvo at work. Some dude was spotted taking photos of my car in the car park. When he was seen he did the bolt up Dixon Road Rocky heading North. I know this probally isnt anything to worry about but Im a bit paraniod and any suggestion as to what i should do would be welcome. Ill keep it locked in the shed for a few days i think anyhow
  20. off to play cs bbl
  21. we all recovered from the weekend
  22. 1 headlight out worth 2/10th sec i wonder what both will do -- hmmmm
  23. excelent idea hopefully we can book a site thats undercover
  24. the track seem overly grippy at the area where i changed from 1st to 2nd but only for about the first 3 to 4 passes after that i felt it was fine
  25. Yer what a set his running on that
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