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Everything posted by illusiVe

  1. i should be able to put some money aside and see how much my stocky gets
  2. u cant open the door from the inside at all?
  3. check child lock aint on if it aint a line.. oh wait thats gettin from outside in...... anyway just pull door off, u'll see this plastic clip has prob fallen of a metal rod...reconnect it and ur good 2 go.
  4. no damage...at all..his driver says that because if u break (eg dumb ass running infront of ur car), u cant break under the engine's power aswell as ur foot power..
  5. friends car, sorry for my engrish badness.
  6. sounds good..but im just planing on 3inch since im going to turbo my beast
  7. i'd say most would say the tip dont matter cause once its out of the exhaust pipe its just going into a bigger container....unless u want to have an exhaust pipe which never ends= anyway what im trying to say is no 4" tip wont matter, thats just the sound..just talking about the exhaust pipe itself. the smallest part of the exhaust will be its downfall.
  8. i still admit i know poop compared to anyone who knows their way around an engine bay more than just oil, engine, exhaust, pod etc....but if u think about it wouldnt you want the least amount of friction so u could get the most air through, how would having a more congested pipe increase power? its just the amount of air u can fit through the pipe. i dont know how else to explain it really..feel free to correct me. so far i've just heard "naarr u want pressure"...
  9. if u ask me, u would want to eliminate back pressure all together rather than have "a certain amount".. just wondering how u think the engine works better when it has to push harder to have the waste disposed of.
  10. my car being a r33 GTS4 would mean that i dont have this effect? my car is 100mm off the ground (at lowest point) and i didnt notice any difference in control, if anything better because of lower COG.
  11. im guessing 1 for ground, 1 for 12 v.. and 1 to acc? i really have no clue but im just throwing a guess for u
  12. im so goin back to my jap mp3s in the car now, as soon as i know it i wanna book myself on a plane and get a job in jap muhahah, ill teach those narutards!..as stated, i dont care about their education...ill just give them 1000 years of pain they wont forget.
  13. 5cm drop? thats nothin...... lookin @ my skyline when it was stock it was a fkn 4wd...and i had 18's on it!
  14. or just get a plastic cover for the buttons......
  15. temp fix, remove high beam lights. thats what i've done cept on my other car, its norm headlights dont work, unless on high beam, so @ nite im driving with highbeam on, just no highbeam bulbs in the car.
  16. flashing is illegal in all states as it can immitate emergency vechiles. Leds, i dont specifically know, i'd say they are legal as long as they are on the ONE colour. Chacing is also illegal due to it being "dazzling" its the ON / OFF as far as i know VIC is the most leaniant state on neons...which is surprizing
  17. neons in vic are legal aslong as not Any of emergency colours, white, or traffic light colours, neons either must be on or off, not flashing/ dazzling so that means, no red,blue,green,amber,red,white neons........mmmmmmk only purple,pink,gold,bright yellow, Deep green etc.
  18. im sorry for expressing my own ideas/ position on things Eug, i will withdraw from making comments from now on as that a forum should only follow what you believe is your right and when u dis my rims, kit, car colour or choice i should change that to suit you. sorry for the inconvience.
  19. dyno proved that one wrong for me and my friend, i have GTS4 and he has a GTS.. both had increase in power from what was already on the cars when we got em.
  20. suff 2.5" im gettin 3" straight on my 33NA...im just planing to save money in the future when i get a turbo kit or RB replacement. still i think the better airflow, the better...also better response thru the rpm range.
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