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About pear

  • Birthday 28/03/1969

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    R34 GTT

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  1. and +1
  2. pear


    Marc (and team), Thanks again for your assistance!! It's good to have the site back online! Guys, you should have got an email about the Drags this weekend and Skidpan next weekend... Have fun!
  3. pear


    Hey Guys, as Andy said, SAUQld Admin are working on getting the site back online asap. thanks for your patience New host has been sorted (with more space ). If we can, the guys may get to do some long awaited maintenance / forum upgrade, but will see how we go. Can't say exactly when it will be back up, but things are moving forward and it shouldn't be to along. Big thanks to the Admin guys for their efforts. Cheers
  4. Hey Kym, send me a PM with you mobile if you wish. I can give you an update on SauQld. or as Troy and Noel suggested, have a look at www.sauqld.com. We are also a CAMS club if that helps. Cheers Chris
  5. pear

    Hello All

    +1 Welcome mate
  6. good to hear Finding an ECU you like is one thing, but finding a tuner you can trust AND one that can work with your preferred ECU can sometimes be hard!! In hindsight, I should have picked my tuner 1st. I know EFI do a lot more ECU's than Nistune, and in my books Sean is one of the best tuners I've seen. ps. thanks tristan
  7. talk to EFI Performance. Sean has worked with nistune for ages. nice guys, very helpful.
  8. I had an emanage ultimate for a year or 2. seemed to have loads of problems, so I got rid of it and went for a nistune -more reliable, cheaper, more choice of tuners, etc. i like the idea of the emanage, but i dont think they work so well with 34's now very happy with Nistune
  9. another for ERD. He also give a discount to SAUQld club members.
  10. ask Dan @ ERD. he usually get's great prices on parts and Australia's Nismo distributor (Link Int.) is just up the road from his workshop. www.erd.com.au
  11. +1 for EFI Performance I'm very happy with their service. plus they spend time giving you heaps of feedback, explaining the details, etc.
  12. +1 for Dan @ ERD He also give good discounts for SAUQLD club members - often the discount is worth more than the club's annual membership. goodluck!
  13. there are 1 or 2 places in South Brisbane with 'free' parking. 1 is under a building... I'm not goting to say exactly where (it's a smallish carpark), but I'd never pay for parking around the convention centre! have a look around on the weekend. I'm sure you'll find a spot or 2.
  14. SOLD PENDING PAYMENT Thanks for the PMs
  15. SOLD PENDING PAYMENT thanks for the PMs
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