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Iron Chef

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Everything posted by Iron Chef

  1. It was a Countach - I spotted it down near Windsor Gardens. Has LAMBO-1 on the plates.
  2. Remember that the prices given by brokers are estimates - there are many factors that can push them up or down. If Prestige's prices on equivalent cars are higher or lower than other companies, it might simply be a difference in how they've calculated the landed costs. *added* Sorry, didn't realise you were talking about start prices at auction. In the end the only thing you should worry about is the end price, not the start price. Stick to your final landed price and the broker will work backwards from there and decide how much they can bid. Either you get it or you don't.
  3. The flipside is that the broker would have to pay for your car in Japan, and what would happen then if the customer didn't pay them after the car arrived? Companies like Prestige and J-Spec have been around for a while now - you wouldn't last long if you ripped off your customers. A broker's job is to help YOU bring in the car - the broker provides a service, helping you find the car you want. But in the end, you make the decision on which car to buy, and you must therefore pay the bills as they roll in.
  4. What rims are they - BBS of some sort?? They look really nice - really suit the look of the car. Congrats on the purchase.
  5. lol - well the Skyline will be able to brake hard more than once every ten minutes. Welcome to the club, son - people whine that R33s are too common etc etc, but in the end they're still a damned good car for the money. You've done well.
  6. Don't presume to know everything when you only know a little... Yes I import as Iron Chef Imports, but I also think J-Spec do a good job, if that helps.
  7. Cheers for the heads up Craig - I have been burnt like this before with an R34 compliance workshop in Sydney. I know which questions to ask now Will edit my first post as necessary...
  8. I need to comply an R33 for a customer in Sydney, so if you can do it, read below and PM me Cheers Kristian
  9. Report writing - Yes I heard you go past! Saw that yellow GT40 near your place come past today too - automotive porn.
  10. BTM - they are around but you'd want to have very good money on it to get one, as they're becoming very collectible in Japan, for obvious reasons. As a fellow importer, I probably have access to more information than a fair number of you, and can tell you that J-Spec are very honest with their estimates. It's easy to underquote people in order to get their business, but in the end you don't keep customers that way. J-Spec have been around for a long time with good reason.
  11. It could be done, but you'd have to be VERY patient. They'd have to be added to the SEVS register for starters...
  12. The R32 GT-B was a one off, and normally resides in a warehouse along with a heap of other super-rare Nissans. Autech did make the R32 Skyline26 which was auto and RB26DE, that came in an unusual one-off colour that is impossible to describe. Limited run of 400 units from memory. Autech made the R33 GT-R sedan right at the end of R33 production, so they're all 1998 models with the Xenon headlights. They're very rare (same - 400 units I think) and fetch better than two-door money these days.
  13. Your car must've been complied under the old system. You need the chassis number which will be on the build plate on the firewall. Will most likely start be ECR33XXXXXXX
  14. That was me - I was tempted to mod it, but then I got a good price for it and bought the R34. The 34 was a test car, so it took ages in compliance. Have a good look, because I'm not sure how long I'll keep this either lol And that GT-R at the shops is niiiiicccceee - owner is a doctor, surprise surprise.
  15. heslo - is your car white with P1s on it? If it is I know who you are lol. Yes that's me that works at the school - it's a primary school Deluxe, don't even go there haha...
  16. Narrow down what car you're looking at and I'll give you some costs.
  17. My 34's finally on the road - was at the nissansilvia.com (no booing please!) display at SCS, just next to you guys. It's silver with gold BBS rims. Smile and wave if you see me around guys
  18. I call shenanigans - sounds like 50 other scams where cars are "based overseas". You send your money and never see the car.
  19. Hi guys, just bought this for one of my customers and have NFI what kit it is. Looks bloody nice whatever it is, and the car also has sunroofs and leather. If it was manual I would've kept it for myself!! It will eventually reside in Adelaide I figured you Stagea freaks would be able to enlighten both me and my customer.
  20. I had the same dilemma and went for the 34 - think about the running costs too, not just the initial purchase price...
  21. Who on here has the R33 S2 with NSW plates on it? White with white P1s on it, SAU sticker on the front screen. Looks real tidy.
  22. Cheers for the offer but they have to be R34 GT-t rims. Got an exhaust sorted now, so just need the rims. Anyone??
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