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Iron Chef

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Everything posted by Iron Chef

  1. Read your Advertiser guys!! Country highways get more police By JILL PENGELLEY 20may06 NEW Highway Patrol cars soon will be policing country roads in a plan to cut the road toll by 40 per cent. Police Commissioner Mal Hyde yesterday revealed 33 metropolitan traffic police would be moved to rural areas, where almost 60 per cent of fatalities occur. The new focus would include a high profile for the rural traffic officers, with "new cars badged up with distinctive markings". The SA Police road safety strategy for the next four years aims to cut fatalities from 148 last year to 86 in 2010. The traffic officers, including eight sergeants, would be relocated from policing areas with fewer recorded fatalities, including Port Adelaide, Holden Hill and Adelaide. "Obviously, we need to concentrate our attention in the areas where we need to make some gains," Mr Hyde said. "We'll shift some of the resources into those country areas. "We will in due course also be looking to put some of the additional 400 (recruits) into road safety, but of course it's going to take some time for those staff to come on board. This issue is here and now and we need to deal with it now so that's why we're reallocating the resources." The 33 relocated police will be posted in the Far North, Riverland, South East, Hills-Murray, South Coast, Gawler and Sturt regions. The Gawler and Sturt police will concentrate on the Barossa, Sturt Highway and Adelaide Hills areas. Mr Hyde said all police officers would be required to be responsible for road safety and were expected to lower their tolerance of bad driving. "It is not just the domain of specialist traffic police, but all police will be expected to contribute where and when they can," Mr Hyde said. The public also was urged to lower its tolerance of bad drivers.
  2. Not the rev limiter??
  3. Jake - just had a look at that ad. A 2001 model!! Good price for that car.
  4. There are very few people who don't do research these days. But particularly in the case of older owners, they don't know about import websites and mailing lists. They check the Unique Cars information which says that R34s are just coming down under $30K in recent times. Like I said, he's not asking what YOU would spend on one - he's asking what they sell for, and I know for a fact that there are still plenty of R34s like the one he has selling closer to $30K. It doesn't matter whether other people are buying them at $23K - what matters is that someone will buy HIS for $30K. Don't let prices from importers do your head in - there are still people prepared to pay good money for R34s.
  5. But guys, you're not answering his question. He's not asking what we can buy them for, he's asking what he can sell his for. There's a big difference, and there are plenty of people out there who buy R34s that aren't on J-Spec's mailing list.
  6. This is all rather weird, because a mate (who should be on here somewhere, and I'm assuming that he is not you!) just bought an R34 and was complaining about the same thing. Would be curious to see where your compliance was done - see if it's a problem with the workshop and the products they're using.
  7. ..but he's not my customer, so I call bullshit Your car looks awesome BTW - v clean.
  8. Agreed - there's no way a genuine 20,000km manual R34 would sell for less than 1.5 million FOB in Japan at current prices. My first piece of advice is that forums are notoriously hard on prices. If I took advice in here, I would've sold my S2 R33 for $15K - instead I went with what I thought it was worth retail, and got $19K for it... I'd be advertising at $30K in Unique Cars.
  9. A fuel filler restrictor is put on during compliance to reduce the size of the hole, so wallies don't go putting Leaded (obviously not a problem so much now) or diesel in.
  10. Don't worry guys - all sorted. Kralster, I owe you a 6 pack
  11. Erin Jeez!! You and your email address!! It seems to keep rejecting. Here you go - I found a car for you. $22100 landed and complied. Not sure on year, but guess at 96 or 97. White 1JZ motor obviously 5 speed manual 52000km Auction grade 4BB Complete TRD bodykit RAYS 18" wheels TRD gauges, gear knob Aftermarket exhaust Aftermarket Air Filter Pics attached. Give me a buzz if you want it, but be quick. 0402 904 069. Cheers Kristian
  12. Surface rust isn't a problem - that can be sprayed underneath by the workshop to stop it getting any worse. Holes are no good though
  13. Wanna swap for a few months?
  14. hahaha - actually that's not a bad idea - you can run them for 3 months at least while I wait for testing to be done. Expect a phone call soon.
  15. Yes I know it has been covered, but my questions weren't answered. Does anyone local with Xenon headlights still run them? I've got a set which will obviously be removed for compliance and am wondering whether they're worth keeping enough to switch the whole headlight units for factory halogen ones before compliance, or whether to just let the workshop modify them to halogens and not go to the trouble. Obviously, if someone has factory halogen lights lying around, PM me.
  16. I can do you one for 13500 landed and complied, assuming you want NA and tiptronic.
  17. Not true - a car must be complied within 12 months of it arriving in Australia, as per SEVS regs. I'm surprised DoTaRS hasn't chased it up and sent it back to Japan - or then again, maybe I'm NOT surprised... Either way, I'm sure DoTaRS would be keen to hear your story, fullo - threatening the workshop with losing it's status to comply cars would help things move along a bit...
  18. Take option B - go to the shipping company yourself in Japan, for a Skyline you'd be looking at probably $7-800 US, then use a customs broker to clear it back in Oz, then get someone to pick it up.
  19. You have 12 months from the day it lands to comply the car
  20. Ouch!! That's what happens when you only have one company doing it...
  21. Mine was manual, and I sold it about a year ago, but cheers for the info. I'd say that by the time we get round to bringing some in, they will have been fixed in Japan anyway.
  22. There's a company called Motorex that deal with importing Skylines in the States. As far as I know, they're the only ones that can do it.
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