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Iron Chef

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Everything posted by Iron Chef

  1. A bit hard to believe you when you're selling the turbos in your signature :lol:
  2. It would definitely have had the limiter removed - it would've been tagging it for about half the track otherwise. The only other mod made was to run on slicks, which makes a fair difference on a track that size.
  3. http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/86366221 19s on front, 20s on the rear - check the dish AND the camber!!
  4. Ok, you're going to run into a few issues... 1. At 8 weeks old, you'll obviously be running the capsule facing backwards. Avoid dramas by buying/hiring a dedicated capsule, NOT a reversible baby seat. They take up a heap less room. They WILL fit, but your other half won't be happy, as it will have to go behind the passenger seat, which will need to be slid as far forward as it can go. Once the baby is old enough to face forward, there's more room for everyone. 2. The seats are quite contoured, so make sure that the seat fits in properly and sits square on the seat (cheaper to get a new seat than a different car ) Safety is one obvious problem, but the base of the baby seat can leave quite bad marks in the GT-R trim too - they come out eventually, but its just annoying. 3. I never ran a capsule facing backwards, but I ran baby seats in an R32 and R33 and found the R33 much easier to live with, in terms of space and ease of entry. R32 owners feel free to correct me if you disagree... Anyway, the prices of early R33 GT-Rs are quite low these days, so it might be worth considering unless you have your heart set on an R32. Either way, be prepared for doing your back in putting the kids in the rear.
  5. I'm not sure about the significance of attaching that pic, but if it helps, I import cars AND judge for Drift Australia! There are a number of people on here who can help you out - have a look around, and if you're after a Stagea, just ask owners where they got them, or who they got them through - start with [ STAGEN ]
  6. Carbon fibre - yes. Black bonnet - no, poor substitute. (As per my SMS, G-Force!)
  7. Having said all this, the high price of Skylines at auction is just stupid at the moment. I could've bought an manual R34 GT-t for 1.3mil FOB any day of the week about six months ago. Not getting near them at the moment - all going for 1.5mil+ and that's car cost. Everyone overseas wants them I guess.
  8. 16x6.5 (from memory!) 5x114.3 PCD
  9. Assuming you have an auto, it would change the shift points. Power would raise the RPM at which it changes up (and down probably), and the snow setting usually means your car will take off in second to avoid wheelspin.
  10. With an exhaust and remap, this thing is spinning all fours in the dry (I know, I did it lol) - thats with the clutch out and planting it in first, not a big clutch dump. 173kW at the wheels. And it's an MY99 2 door STi. My estimate is flat 13/ high 12 based on my seat of the pants experience (and previously owning cars quicker than it!!)
  11. Even still, the car is porn. Love those rims. Good luck with it.
  12. Yes, I searched! The HPI project R34 ended up pulling a high 11 from memory, and I'm curious to know what mods were done to achieve it. Does anyone have a list of what was done?? (I have a mate with a 2-door STi which I suspect is now pulling 12s, and I want to teach him a lesson!! lol)
  13. Well this is a Top Secret front with Bomex side skirts....the front's a dead ringer in my books. Attached is carmate's "TS" front bar carmate.bmp
  14. Anyone else find it ironic that he's a photographer but hasn't even taken a pic of his car??
  15. It's Top Secret - found a copy on carmate.com.au
  16. funkymonkey - I tried a similar search for r34 kits and came up with nothing. That R32 GT-R is pure porn.
  17. I should try and post THAT pic up then!! Looks the shizzle on 19s.
  18. Go to the Skyline section Rezz - might get a better response there.
  19. In order... Yes Yes - keep every record of purchase and ownership possible. Yes - get in touch with a buyer (in can help you there) and organise to go to uaction and buy a car as soon as you get there - you need to own and drive it for AT LEAST 12 months. Yes - on a GT-R, luxury car tax. Other than that it's pretty straightforward. Not really, just make sure you have access to an account for you money (or put it on VISA).
  20. you got that rear wing on?? we want shots of the wheels, slacker!!
  21. Ring Heath at HLM Imports - tell him Kristian sent you. Their website is www.evidenceonline.com.au Heath's number is 0414 300 212.
  22. Sorry to bump up this incredibly old thread, but I just noticed a 280MR (No.2) went through auction today. Starting price was 700,000yen, but I don't know if it sold. Built Feb 98, 80,000km on it I'd never heard of them before!!
  23. Sounds like you're driving KITT (Although most people won't remember Knight Rider...!)
  24. Still waiting, G-man!!
  25. Hi guys - I'm in the process of getting an R34 GT-t and already have wheels and an intercooler sitting in the shed for it Yes I tried searching - if anyone has pics of good kits for them, then throw them up, particularly if they are available from a sponsor or someone locally. I've seen the Do Luck kit and like it already, so any pics of those would be great. Not a huge fan of bodykits, but I may be tempted if it looks good enough...
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