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Iron Chef

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Everything posted by Iron Chef

  1. lol it's ok I already knew that but I'd hardly refer my customers to him if he was crap Better than most in Melbourne, that's for sure!
  2. Nuwan's a top bloke, he does all our compliance work in Melbourne.
  3. GTR owners please check in, we'd love to get at least half a dozen there!!
  4. See separate thread
  5. I will also be there
  6. ^^^Agreed. He could have been the one the resulted in everyone now having to supply pics of cars and other additional info when applying for approvals under the pre-1989 scheme.
  7. We're already in the process of arranging a GTR procession Tim, just waiting on the ok from the family. Will post details once we're organised. Funeral is Jan 10, 3pm at Prospect at this stage.
  8. I posted it on my own FB page a while back - the problem I have is that there's a fine line between a genius and a crackpot
  9. Haha I was wondering if you'd pipe up - you were the only dealer I could think of that buys privately rather than via auction. Handy having Japanese in-laws As for your R33, I think I've driven more kms in it than you have!
  10. Hahaha I think that was a compliment!
  11. Hi guys, I'm just passing on the news in case people on here hadn't heard. Lance imported a silver BNR32 through me a few years back - number plate [GOJIR-4] for those who know the car. I suspect he was a member on here, but I don't know his username (if you can fill us in, feel free). Reports are that he committed suicide the day after Christmas, but obviously that's probably unconfirmed at this stage. His funeral will be Thursday next week, so I'm seeing whether or not the family would be interested in a few guys getting together to do a procession/convoy with our GTRs. Let this be ANOTHER reminder to all of us that we need to be on the lookout for our mates if they're stressed, having mental health issues, or going through hard times. Don't be afraid to speak up and ask them how they're travelling - you might just save a life.
  12. lol Benji are you gunning for a spotter's fee?! All good mate. In terms of businesses' reputations, the easiest way to find out is to Google - don't bother looking at the happy customers with glowing referrals listed on their websites, it's how they deal with issues that are the true test of how good they are. If you're looking at dealers, ask for either 1) the auction sheet or 2) the export certificate as evidence that the kms are legit. If they try and tell you that they didn't buy it from auction, then tread VERY carefully, as I could count on one hand the number of private sales done in Japan by overseas buyers. Auctions are far cheaper, and car dealers have never met a dollar they didn't like. If you think the export certificate is photoshopped, (and some dealers are getting pretty good at it these days), then run it through JPEGSnoop or a similar program to see if it has been edited. If you still have concerns, then there are ways of finding out the correct export certificate readings in Japan (PM me for more info).
  13. After everything you've read, you still want to buy there? Have you read through the entire thread?
  14. Dude, it's not hard to check the chassis number...if you don't want to believe us, then go right ahead.
  15. Chris can you PM me the chassis number? I want to run it through FAST and have a look if I can.
  16. Yes we should
  17. They are indeed, just invest in a trans cooler
  18. Box is the same one in the Evo 7 GTA and Galant/Legnum VR-4, correct me if I'm wrong. I doubt a conversion to manual would be too hard either.
  19. I'd happily swap my my car for that car, but I'm suspecting they'll be wanting Z-tune money, at least.
  20. People will always pay good money for the right car.
  21. ROFL I didn't realise we'd turned into HardTuned... If there was ever a time to hit lotto, now would be that time.
  22. lolwut? If you find AWD boring, you're not driving it hard enough.
  23. ...it would be something to do with a genuine 36,000km S15 Spec R being worth more than $25K to land and comply here...and this one is selling for $13K...
  24. I haven't got the chassis number, but if someone wants to get it, I'm all ears. For JDM models, the Spec S was non-turbo and the Spec R was turbo. Apparently they're now saying it's a turbo Spec S...no such beast...
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