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About gtrken

  • Birthday 22/11/1957

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    Perth and Bali
  • Interests
    My family , my place in Bali and my family. Did I mention my family ?

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    nothing worth mentioning yet.
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  1. Interesting that he also has a non complied 1994 R32 GTR on Car sales as well... Cheers Ken
  2. Is this still for sale ? Cheers Ken
  3. To bring this topic to a close I contacted Auto Project who seemed quite helpful but the cars are cheaper because most are Grade 3.5. With the drop in the AUD versus the Yen and the increasing prices at the auctions for quality cars I decided to look local and have purchased one from a private buyer in QLD. I actually think atm there are better deals to be had in OZ , especially private , due to the amount for sale and the fact that people need/want to get rid of them. Anyway to those who replied , both on here and via PM , thankyou . Anyone know a cheap/ good way to get an Elgrand from QLD to Perth which does not involve me driving it ? Cheers Ken
  4. I would boy who cried wolf aka Ken but your PM box is full Cheers Ken
  5. Thanks for the info dnegative but doubt they would rubbish a clients car over the phone to a random stranger and Sydney is a little far to drive to ask in Person Am swaying to importing again ( I used to bring in GTR's years ago but my buyer has retired, gone, died, been arrested, got married or something ... ) as after talking to a couple of importes who are mentioned on here , the prices for some of the advertised cars in Australia are absolute bargains if they are true. And we all know the saying If it too good to be true, it probably is . BTW Phil at Direct, having a front page on your website that is 4 years old does not inspire confidence. Cheers Ken
  6. Thankyou for that Terry and am fully aware of getting independent odo checks etc. I just want to know if Autoproject is reputable or more like the rest of the Parramatta rd type dealers... Cheers Ken ** Note that this only applies to some of the Parramatta rd type dealers and not all **
  7. As the title and content states, an Elgrand XL. Buying direct from Japan appears to be no cheaper than what is on offer in Australia atm. But feel free to correct me. So back to the topic, has anyone dealt with Autoproject ? Cheers Ken
  8. As the topic states , I am looking at a couple of Elgrand xl's they have which seem good value on paper and wondering if anyone has had prior dealings with them ? They are the ones located at fairbank rd Clayton South in Victoria. I know this is a Skyline forum but I have always found the info here to be pretty good and the forum has come a looooonnnggg way since I was last on ( Congrats Prank ). Some of the original members on here from WA may remember me... Which may or may not be a good thing Cheers Ken
  9. Yep, Congrats Lauren ( aka Niz ) and the photo was an early morning shot of a certain couple in the bedroom.... he did look cute in his budgie smuggler jocks. Hehe Anyway, I hope you two have a long married life with plenty of Nizzettes , because we don't need any more GTS-t VSPEC ers. Cheers Ken
  10. Congratulations Paully and Niz. Bout time Lauren made an honest guy of you. All the best for the future and I still have that photo taken in Dunsborough ... hehehe Cheers Ken
  11. Just to add my 2c.. You also may find it is aircon drain water which can leak back into the car via a blocked drain tube. If you run the heater/aircon on auto while driving, the aircon is on all the time. Worth checking before you start ripping the car apart ..... Cheers Ken
  12. gtrken


    I am looking at selling my BMax with rebuilt 125 leopard as I just don't have time to use it anymore. Also have a 3 Kart side opening trailer but the setup will not be cheap. Comes with Kart stand,Mychron 4 with data logging, spare rims, sprockets etc. Send me a PM if you want to discuss prices. Cheers Ken
  13. There is virtually no Japanese performance workshops in Perth who do everything in house. XSpeed, Hyperdrive, Top Racing , CRed, Speedworks, Ovaboost , In Tune all outsource the head work and engine machining. All the above workshops then assemble the engines in house to there own specifications which vary with each shop. The engine machining and tolerances supplied by the workshop is one of the critical factors in engine life and building one to go racing and will be refreshed after every season is different to building one that is in a street car. The only shops that machine AND build engines are very limited , both in quality and there desire to involve themselves in turbo cars. Most of these shops deal with V8's such as Kostecki, Kendrick, Repco, Veems , Performance Automotive plus others I can't remember. Cheers Ken
  14. Best you change your wiring chart then. The N4 harness is required.
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