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Everything posted by gtrken

  1. Cars , not whales:lol: Cheers Ken
  2. Gees gr33dy , you have got a bit uglier since I last saw. lol Fun but how about posting a genuine one or else we will all ignore you at the next cruise. * Looks around , hmmm no gr33dy here, you know the brad pitt look alike . Ah well lets go then peoples* Cheers Ken
  3. Err one small problem I didn't think of . Are the fronts the same as R32 's. Cheers Ken
  4. yep , that's gotta be yours:lol: Cheers Ken Hehehe
  5. I don't know , it's all right for some people, they get paid to whore thes pages ( Skyzerr , pwptf , Bully ). I do it for the pure fun and in my own time. That should make me a better quality whore than you guys cos I'm dedicated ( ohh , and I have no life... ) Cheers ( coming dear.. ) Ken
  6. Damn , too slow with the come back
  7. Whaaaat !! you've kept her well hidden from the SAU guys ( and for damn good reason ) Now she CAN'T be yours Cheers ( boy R34's been busy ) Ken PS Any more ??
  8. yea well it's not quite the same without phptf. Dare I say *sniff* , I miss him. Yea RIIIIGGGGHT Ken
  9. AAAHHH memories err , the car I mean chris , not your daughter. sure she's yours . After seeing the first pic of yourself , she is WAY too good looking to be yours. * thinks , even after the second pic * hehehe Cheers ( turns off phone , no door answering ) Ken
  10. aarghhh It's gone from mild mannered Bully to Mad man Bull*hit , post whore extraordinaire . This is one man not to be f***ked with and will prove to be a master keyboard warrior. Fear the mouth from the south , Madman Bull*hit...... Hehehehe
  11. gtrken


    You will still be able to bring them in , just have to organise with a registered compliancing shop to do the work and pay the appropriate fee. What will be a lot harder is bringing in modified ones as they will be required to be returned to near stock. Accident damaged is also going to be a little tricky for a while until the level of damage allowed is sorted out with the authorities Could be a good business in renting and installing/removing std gear:D Cheers Ken
  12. It's amazing how polite Bully is when theres women around. You should see how he speaks to pwptf , adrian and me late at night on here. It's definitely not for sensitive ears Lauren aka Nizmo aka lolli aka lolliracing .com ( what's that all about ?? ) cheers ( still up ) Ken
  13. VSpec11 , no I haven't but I believe Lumpy has. btw , have you just purchased the vspec from CRed or have you had it for a while Cheers ( slightly off topic ) Ken
  14. I think you will find he did it on Nitto Jap street rubber. 3 x GTR's but have to get rid of a couple to cash up. The rex is used for our Rally courses ( best place for them ) And I think those 2835's would be overkill on anything less than a 2.8 litre GTR with a lot of work. But , if I sell a couple of R's ......... Cheers Ken
  15. So the rest of us can dream Munro , and think of what might be. The terbs would be good but the rest of the engine to do them justice is what's gonna cost. Free Bump Cheers Ken
  16. Yea good Macka but could you all supply your real first name with the pic. I know strich9 is Kym but this post is also for the newbies who don't know anyone. Imagine walking up to the bartender and saying * I'm looking for strich9 * Hehehe Ken
  17. Adam , how long is a piece of string ? EVERY top arm front and rear , bottom arm front and rear, cradle mount brackets , Sway bar links and half moons front and rear , Caster bar , shock bush front and rear and a few more I probably forgot could get a bit pricey. Suggest you take it to a specialist ( my favourite is Wilkinson Suspension but I'm sure there's others ) to track it down and give you a price. No point doing work thats not reqd. Back on topic Daniel ? aka 25GTT , I have a spare front set of Teins complete you can borrow. PS wheres ya pic on the WA pic thread???? Cheers Ken Oh and post your g/f's as well , Puhleeze Hehehe
  18. Damn newbies , come in here stirring up the established disorder:D We were perfectly hopeless in here B4 you , angel and sneeza came along:rolleyes: Now we are organised hopeless. btw Sneeza , Angel , Lauren aka S13 angel , Bully , Kym, jules( psiko ) , james ( Jimih ) and the rest of you girls , hehehe, post ya pics. Or I'm getting the cruise Nazi to take em and post and they might not be pretty. Look at the whales I took at the start hey troy!! Cheers ( I will get you all ) Ken
  19. Glad you liked my idea and even though that's R34's dress sense , it's not Chris R34 in that photo he posted. He's actually weirder Cmon chris , post the real one and also one of Tenille so the guys know which one not to hit on ( at least while your around anyway ) Cheers ( it's like pulling teeth ) Ken
  20. Whaaat? Is he still telling pub stories about that. Happens when you launch at 4K for the first time on 540's. I am used to them now ( launch at 6K ) and if he wants to line up , it won't happen again. Also next time I will turn off the aircond but as was stated in a previous thread , he has a freakily quick 32. Cheers ( old but not slow ) Ken
  21. WTF ?? Cheers ( Hell , I'm confused ) Ken Preeze exprain ??
  22. Cmon chris you gotta put a pic up. I don't want to be the oldest looking pic in this forum. Cheers ( over 40's stick together ) Ken
  23. Geez Paul , someone flashes a bit of Muscle and you roll over. Wheres your spirit ya fairy. Bwahahaha:lol: Cheers ( unity in numbers ) Ken
  24. Pic of this Profec thing . It's also a turbo timer and has some sort of *overboost when harrassed function* Cheers ( easy to ignore pwptf ) Ken
  25. Yep !! Hey you purchased the Power FC off me ages ago ya slacker:D Just don't eat for a while and put it in. Ohh the shame , an R owned by a doore , we can't have that. No offence Summoner:D Cheers ( go the lines ) Ken
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