OK peoples, done some preliminaries.
We will get a w/end of speed .
Goes like this ATM
Arrive in Collie bout 10am Sat , out to the track for a looksee around the circuit, some basic training and then proper timed laps.There will be flag marshalls , fire crew and ambo's.
After that we have 1/8 mile drags ( unfortunately only one at a time cos of insurances. )
We also have a ,ermm, motorkhana which allows for some free expression ( insert go nuts )
O/night dorm style with showers etc but bring own sleeping bag ( no , not your g/f stupid !! ) and pillow.
May even be a bar set up by then and the prices are reasonable I have been told.
Get up on Sunday and start all over again about 9.30 till we packup at about 3 pm to go home.
Am asking for late Nov , early Dec and price will be about $150 per head based on thirty people.
Will need names , numbers and deposits but will keep you informed as prices and dates are firmed up.
This is being done in conjunction with the Performance Forums guys so we can get the numbers