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Everything posted by geno8r

  1. Yeah took it to the auto electrician. Took him like half an hour to find it, hidden up behind the steering rack 'or something' :|
  2. Hmmm I had a look but couldn't find it (the fuses that is). thanks for the reply, might have too see an auto electrician (again )
  3. I have an aftermarket immobiliser on my car. When you press the button the doors lock & the engine is immobilised. To let you know this has happened all indicators flash once for locking, twice when unlocking. Now when I press the button, only the drivers side indicators flash when locking / unlocking. So only 3 out of 6 flash. (driver side, front / side /rear) All indicators used to flash perfect, but since some recent electrical mod / changes, all indicators are not flashing when the immobiliser button is pressed. (but yes all left / right side indicator do work when using the indicator stalk) Below is a history of recent events to help troubleshoot at which point my problem starts occurring. 1. front passenger side indicator stops working, fuse is still fine, & all indicators (except for passenger side front) flash when pressing immobiliser button. 2. Go to an auto electrician to get a no load flash unit installed (to fix up my indicator speed due to 5 watt globes at front). Installed & indicator speed back to normal. 3. At same time get auto electrician to look at the front passenger side indicator which is still not working. Accidentally (from a jiggle of a wire I guess) the front passenger side indicator is now working again. 4. On the drive home, turning left, the indicator fuse blows & I loose all indicators. I guess it was front a driving vibration / jiggle again. (make it home safely) *from here below I think at some point the new problem has occurred 'immobiliser press, driver side indicators only flash* 5. Buy fuse, replace the blown. Test indicators, instantly blows the new fuse. 6. Disconnect the front passenger side indicator, install new fuse. All indicators work except the disconnected front passenger side. 7. Today, check positive & negative lines to front passenger side indicator, rewire & cover with electrical tape. Install new fuse. All indicators flashing fine. But, when on immobiliser press, still only the driver side is flashing. Also, I had to replace the hazard fuse, this was blow when the indicator fuse was blow. Is it possible another fuse has been blow? Thanks for the long read & help Cheers,
  4. Problem solved, I got the no load flash unit installed. Only cost $60 total, it's def the way to go. Flashes a little slower than the 'standard' flash but it's better than too fast.
  6. thanx for comments. Wallpaper added
  7. Well none of the resistors worked very well so just seen an auto electrician & getting one of the non-load resistant flash units installed tomorrow. Yay.
  8. Here's a little old something I've knocked up over the last couple days whilst bored. First I started out photochoping my car, it’s more of a refining chop than a out there photochop. Mainly just cleaning up lighting, changing reflections a little, improving the photo quality. Second found a suitable background image (Credits go out to Judge & Americanpsycho from deviantart.com who gave me permission to use this background of theirs.) Third. Design some snazzy modern graphics to tie it off. I've also got a high res version of this so I might get it printed out as a poster. I'm off for the weekend, have a good one. Cheers, 'added' Wallpaper 1024 * 768
  9. Yep, installed one of the 10Watt 100 Ohm. That blinker didn't blink at all. I'll have to go back & get a 10 Ohm one.
  10. Dammit. I just got back from Jaycar & bought 10Watt 100 ohm resistors. I read your post too quick, I thought it was 100 instead of 10 ohm. I haven't installed them yet. Should i bother? Will 100 ohm be way too much? Might have to go back & buy 10 Watt 10 Ohm ones?
  11. Thanx. I've never been found of the RX-8, but I seen a done up one (really done up) driving through syd once & found out they can actually look hard. So from memory (& to best of my ability / limitations) recreated it in NFSU2. I like it.
  12. I installed NFSMW but it ran extremely sh#t, even though have i high end computer. So back to NFSU2 I went.
  13. I know it's old but I've recently re-installed NFSU2 & designed a few cars. Here they are: Post yours up too if you can be bothered.
  14. I've recently had a new front bar put on my r33 GTS-t & am now using new indicators I picked up from an auto store. They are much smaller than the stock ones & now causing the indicators to blink much faster due to them using less voltage (i'm guessing?). What is the voltage of the stock indicators for 33 gts-ts? (21?) & do I need to find out what my currents ones are (maybe 5?) & buy and install a resistor to get things back to normal? I have no idea about auto electronics, I'm just guessing? A guide down the right path would be appreciated. Thanks!
  15. awesome work!
  16. Bahahahah B#tch you stole my car.. lol MILK BREAD Nice chop
  17. geno8r

    R33 Chop

    lol! hahahh awesome. (Saves to computer) Thanks for the comments guys too
  18. dang, it's still not done. I thought it might have got done over the last few days of upgrading.
  19. Was a good watch. To sum it up, "MR WRX" is a thieving f#ct & you should kick him in the nutz if you see him. Dodgy c#nts.
  20. I’m looking into getting my car engineered & just wanted to get as much info as possible from people who already have their car engineered. How expensive is it? What do you get to prove it’s engineered? (A bit of paper & a sticker under the bonnet?) Once engineered, do you notify the RTA to put it in their system so cops doing licence plate checks can see your legit before pulling you over? Or do you just show a cop who pulls you over the paper? If anyone can post up a picture of an engineers certificate & or sticker (with the name, licence plate details etc. blurred out) would really appreciate it, maybe 'PM / email me it?'. Thanks,
  21. geno8r

    R33 Chop

    yeah, got a better shot since.
  22. Jolinator PM's Sez: Good one
  23. I’ve got some very light scratches on my bonnet due to it being washed with a scrubber which was a little too ruff. They are probably only 1/10 of a mm deep, & can only been seen in the right direction of light which causes them to reflect. I tried wax, “wax on, wax hoff”, but did not work well enough. Is there a product which can remove these light scratches? Thanks
  24. Can we please get a picture of the pipping actually on an 33 gts-t?
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