Well i solved my own problem today.
I downloaded the SAFCII manual off the Apexi site today & went into the Sensor Check on the controller. Yay... i do have a working knock meter, it was displaying raw data. The next was to set it. So i went into the Set Knock & held the rpm at 1500 to get 115 then 3500 rpm to get 117. These were done in neutral as your're meant to & is the raw figures.
Sweet so the knock display now reads around 8 - 11 when ideling @ 700 - 800 rpm. But once i start moving & get above around1500 rpm the knock reading goes to 0. I thought it would still show something higher than 0 so I wound the boost to 12psi & gave it some for a few minutes. I still got nothing, was always displaying 0. The air outside was cool too as for its the end of the day & its been raining.
Im just wondering what figures do other people with SAFCIIs get?
I did the Set Knock feature twice, when i first did it the raw figures were more like 95 - 98. 5 minutes later after mucking around revving it in idle setting the knock the figures went up to 110 - 120.
All of these setting were done after the car already being driven for 30 minutes.
I dont know if 0 is just really good or what’s the deal? I have had the SAFCII dyno tuned & I run 12:1 A/F Ratio's. I might try the Set Knock again on a warmer day with a more average outside temperature.
Any one with experience setting their knock & their display figures would be much appreciated.
Thanks, :cheeers: