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  • Birthday 09/07/1986

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    R32 GTS-T, '09 Yaris 197
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  1. I will be there with some ACT crew!!!!! Return of the Mack....intosh
  2. Would it be more believable if I said I wasn't driving??? How is your car Kat
  3. Hi everybody, (Hi doctor Nick) it has been a while since i have been on the forums and some of the new faces might not know me, but some of you know me and my R32. You also might know my 2nd gear synchro was in less than average condition and by the sounds of it has exploded in my gearbox.... Whoops. Believe it or not, it was just driving normally when it happened, which I find hilarious!!!! So I am need of a good condition or better, RB20/R32 gearbox ASAP. If anyone has one or knows of one please reply or give me a text on 0420 722 001. I live in Canberra, but I could pick up in Sydney (or get someone to pick up) Thanks in advance for all your help, Reece
  4. Hi everybody, (Hi doctor Nick) it has been a while since i have been on the forums and some of the new faces might not know me, but some of you know me and my R32. You also might know my 2nd gear synchro was in less than average condition and by the sounds of it has exploded in my gearbox.... Whoops. Believe it or not, it was just driving normally when it happened, which I find hilarious!!!! So I am need of a good condition or better, RB20/R32 gearbox ASAP. If anyone has one or knows of one please reply or give me a text on 0420 722 001 Thanks in advance for all your help, Reece
  5. Well Done Eric, FTD on all 4 courses.......
  6. I know for a fact the Michelin PS3's 235/40 R18 will fit perfectly on a 9.5 inch rim, but that is the only 235 that would fit. It changes from brand to brand and even from style to style inside brands. And GTRKat is right when it comes to Costco tyres, they are cheap Bridgestones/Michelins in small, and common performance sizes but not in the bigger stuff.
  7. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?hl=en&rlz=1C1ASUT_en-GBAU448AU448&q=hindmarsh+drive&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&ion=1&biw=1366&bih=643&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ei=UuvyT7qYEoewiQf5xpSkCQ&ved=0CD4Q_AUoAg
  8. It looks like a nice and sunny day on Sunday, so it will be nice and easy to avoid potholes
  9. On Sunday the 8th of July....... New I forgot something
  10. Pretty self explanatory really..... Meet at the Bus stop at the Weston end of Hindmarsh drive around 11.40 and leave at 12.00 It is really just an excuse to go for a drive
  11. Me too, skipping this year and maybe the next, but Monaco is on the cards at some point
  12. Passenger vent?
  13. If this the layout I won't be using the hanbrake
  14. I'll be heading up the day before as well. Accommodation will cancel out fuel
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