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Everything posted by FST513

  1. pr0n matty. So much pr0n. Wow, i was right with the lambo Sif theres no gain by slowing your shutter past 1/80th! Massive gain. Go to 1/40th and you'll see the difference in motion blur and not want to go back to 1/80th
  2. That boat in the background is pimp. I want one..one day. Sweet shot of you! Although it makes you look like a toddler, i still like it! Hahha
  3. Sweet shots everyone!!!!!! Nick, some awesome shots there! I am going to guess that first shot of the Ferrari is around 1/100th - 1/125th judging by the wheel blur. Otherwise the car wasn't moving that fast? Lambo shot i will guess 1/80th because of the grass being so blurred but the car still sharp. I swear, that corner just yields results! Time and time again. It has to do with because you are standing on top of a hill shooting down, the car remains in the same focal plane and therefore will most likely be sharp front to back. This is from the same corner at superlap. Lets do a sydney meetup at that corner at a track day!
  4. Awesome! Well make sure you post pics and vids of this animal
  5. I uploaded 4 desktops, two of the Z-tune. Here
  6. Sweet shots Matt! Turns out what you said is true aye! You didn't duck off to a brothel That lambo shot is pr0n. That corner is amazing at sunset, around 4-5. My last superlap shots were from there and every one of them has perfect light for panning and on the cars!
  7. Another 33 owner on the beaches. Where are you all? Never see any skylines (I'm in Allambie Heights) besides a silver 33GTR go up allambie rd. Oh - Looks like a definitely prank to me as they would send a text, not something that looks like that especially on an iPhone, looks like an app that has been downloaded or your phones jailbroken or something else. Nothing to worry about.
  8. Hey hey... Don't try and spell it like "Volk". It's Vault Krystals. H3kt!K sP3lLiNg N3eDeD! They are ridiculous...
  9. Are you bringing your missus and the starlet? I'm sure she'd make a much better model than you!
  10. The owner! Haha. Thanks for letting us take tonnes of photos of your car. Was thoroughly enjoyable. If you send me your email i will send you a copy of it, won't be full res as the size will be huge, but big enough for a desktop/small prints if that's fine.
  11. Nah just don't read boring posts by you Hahahaha IN YO FACE! Alright, i should be in. Got an event on the 13th so depending what time this is e.g. 8am, i am not coming. But i'll be there.
  12. How much you get charged Nick? It's $1000+ i think you get stung for. Interesting. Whether to save $2K and buy a 500L from BH and pay import taxes (wonder how much on a $7,000 lens) or spen the extra $2K and get aussie warranty and pay $8300.. hhmm
  13. That is fcuken crazy! Love it! The roads over there are awesome! Wouldn't need to close a road or anything for a photoshoot, just do it with other cars on the road! Hahaha. On a safety note, good to see your in control (even though it is illegal) and your not someone who doesn't know what they are doing. Way to tame a beast! More pics!!!
  14. Maikul - I see you browsing ALL the time! POST UP SOME PHOTOS DAMMIT!!! Hahaha. That last shot would be awesome if the shutter speed was slower! Keep it up mate, looks like you've got the eye for the shot, keep practicing and keep up the good work
  15. Hey mate, You may as well look into aussie companies. 7D's have come way down in price lately. www.topbuy.com.au has some ridiculous pricing on them, i donno if its too good to be true, but a few mates have bought cameras off there and they are legit (look legit at least, unsure if they are refurbs from Taiwan or something). www.digidirect.com.au - Genuine resaler with aussie warranty. $1900 for 7D body brand new with aussie warranty is a friggin bargain! www.camerasdirect.com.au - Another great website. Imported stuff though, but everyone i've spoke to has never ever had a problem and they have great customer service. My mate just bought $4K worth of stuff from BH and he got stung $450 from customs. I've bought a $2K lens from BH and didnt get held up, but if you need it urgently then i'd look into buying it off someone from australia (even if they import). IT will be around the same price.
  16. Pelicans are scary when they are getting fed. I thought this one was going to bite my arm off because i was following it around everywhere and it walked at me really fast and i fcuking gapped it!!!!
  17. So!? Whats the date? Who can make it? Models? Whats the go!
  18. Nice dude. Forster is so easy to photograph and all around it, so much awesomeness. Why is everyone into the film look lately?! Every forum is caked with film like photos! I just can't get into it...
  19. The 34GTR's!!!!
  20. Nice HDR's mate. I like how you add heaps of contrast, but yet it still isn't extremely saturated and burns my eyes. Personally i would tone it down a bit, but i like the way you do them. Unlike the 6000 other people out there who go over the top with extreme halo'ing and reflections. Keep it up! So jealous of you living in London lol.
  21. Nice shots there for a phone champ!!
  22. I'll make it a desktop during the week for you Along with a few other ones. I'll PM you when i have done it. Should be by tuesday night around 9pm
  23. That looks like a sturdy tripod you got there Only thing i don't like about it, is that its connected to the centre column, therefore you don't have as much adjustibility. Depending on what you use it for though, i think this would be great with a nice ballhead!
  24. Sidd - I always give RGB images. I never give them sRGB. It's a noticeable difference when printed. Get your place printed at sRGB at full res and then print it in Adobe RGB and you'll notice the difference. I use www.pixelperfect.com.au they use Adobe RGB at 300ppi and i've always had amazing prints. If i was you i would make the switch to an RGB printer! sRGB is good for big TV slideshows etc.. as they use sRGB. That's actually probably the best way to view the difference. Have you got an LCD/plasma TV at home? My samsung 40" HD LCD TV, if i use adobe RGB images on it, they look CRAP, but if i use sRGB you can see the colours better. Jay - Congrats on the purchase! Your going to love it. Although a G12 is coming out soon And why didn't you get the S90/S95? did the G11 have features you wanted and the "S" series didn't? Also - JPEG only supports 8 bit. To use 16bit you need TIF's.
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