I know theres a rule about not posting bad information on someones for sale thread, however i think i have a duty to inform a potential buyer of some information posted in this thread.
The honda CBR250RR produces 45hp, where as the FZR250RR produces a mere 33hp. The CBR250RR is also 13kg lighter then the FZR250RR. The aprilia was almost mentioned, it produces 71hp and has the chassis of a GP bike, at 120kg it is over 30kg lighter then both bikes and superior in every single way.
The statement "it will keep up to GSXR750's up to 60-80" or something of the like is unfounded. The GSXR750 produces 3 times as much torque and i believe is over 120hp. With a weight of only 20kg more, not only would the GSXR750 beat any 250cc bike at any speed, it would do it on the back wheel.
Gl with the sale, just keep the bullshit to a mininum