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benm last won the day on November 17 2016

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About benm

  • Birthday 07/07/1982

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    Ford Wildtrak + Radical SR3
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  1. Hey guys I don't visit the forums anymore so not even sure how I found this thread but here it is, what a shock. I'm so glad Neil and Mel got out of Sydney and had some relaxing fun time before this happened. Neil is a great bloke and will be sadly missed.
  2. Luddenham has been a shithole since day dot. What clown thought it would be a great idea to have a deep ditch 1m off the side of the track, or a pit area that is on the side of a hill or a fuel fill up area that is up a gutter also on a slope. Went there once as a spectator to check out the facilities and how the day was run and left after an hour never to return again. Hopefully a civil construction company heading for the new airport mix up the address and bulldoze it by accident.
  3. I spent double what you are looking to spend however im in open cockpit. Just like with race suits the more you spend the better quality and more comfortable it gets. Like Duncan said above, a helmet + suit are 2 things you just can't buy online... have to try on in person before paying for it as all brands/models/sizes are different.
  4. https://raceramps.com.au/trailer-ramps.html Super light Super strong Super expensive
  5. What do your rear tyres look like now?
  6. Paid #82 please Can't wait to see Fatz collection of man bags!!
  7. What is the total number of entrants available?
  8. Mine is in decent condition, a lot of money was spent on the bodywork and engine by the previous owner however it easily could have had more spent on it. Only issues with the paddleshifter have been from worn out electrical parts that control the blipper. Cost me about $100 to buy replacements from an electronics distributor. The older generation (same as mine) are 10 or so years old so they will look tired, the worst on any of them will be the wiring looms.
  9. 2008 SR3 (SR3 RS come after that, then the new SR3 RSX) and I bought from Vic Front uprights are $1,250ea delivered, rears are $1,050ea delivered. I'm not running any parts to the hours, all purely on physical condition. You can see the parts prices here https://www.radicalonline.co.uk/ just add them to your shopping cart and select the country then convert to AUD. Door to door is where damage occurs whether it be in the Radical series or the Supersports series. The West / Stohr drivers don't like the Radical drivers and vice versa but that's likely due to the different cars having strengths in different areas and nobody wanting to give an inch. I'm quite happy just do do trackdays + supersprints, I don't have the cashola to start rubbing panels for a few points on a website. Here is my best "whole session"
  10. The Event entry fee's I quoted were for the National Championships, state CAM's rounds are much cheaper. The cars are extremely good on tyres (I buy mine second hand and usually add an additional 400-600 laps onto them without too much of an issue) however if you are travelling interstate, bringing a crew with you and competing in a National Championship you are using a new set of tyres for the weekend (some Radical guys will use a new set each day or session depending on how close they are in points). The last set of tyres I purchased were $100 for the set and instantly dropped 2sec off my WP pb, I've never driven on green rubber. My engine is not "radical spec" and I actually suspect that I'm down on horsepower by a tiny bit (~10-20hp) however if you are not competing in the Radical State/National championships the engine doesn't need to be to spec. I did 18 events in 2016 between about 4 clubs which doesn't include any CAM's state series etc I've replaced probably 150 bolts, I'd say half were rivets replaced with bolts and the other half were just old/original looking bolts. The biggest reasons I went with the Radical over the Stohr / West were that I can order parts online from the UK and have them delivered 4 days later, I can go in person to the shop at Eastern Creek and buy the common parts off the shelf and it's a 2 seater so awesome for taking friends and instructors out. I couldn't do any of that with the Stohr / West and as a newbie to this particular genre of car and having zero mechanical knowledge it scared me that if something broke it could literally take months to get fixed.
  11. Sports Racer Series (per event) $1,900 = New Tyres $500 = Mechanic / Pit crew $100 = fuel $1,895 = Event entry fee Total = $4,395 Radical Australia Cup (per event) $1,900 = New Tyres $500 = Mechanic / Pit crew $100 = fuel $3,975 = Event entry fee Total = $6,475 Now of course, if you just want to do club trackdays or super sprints that total per event comes down to around $500
  12. I'm in, but have a lot of events to do before then.
  13. SAU Nickname: BenMCar Make and Model: Radical SR3Circuit Name: Wakefield ParkLap time: 60.46 (Natsoft)Modifications: Radical SpecEngine: Suzuki Hayabusa 1500ccPower: ~150rwkwSuspension: Radical SpecTyres: Radical Spec Dunlop SlicksBrakes: Radical SpecBody weight: ~600kg SAU Nickname: BenMCar Make and Model: Radical SR3Circuit Name: Eastern Creek GPLap time: 1:37.8 (20Hz GPS + Harry's Laptimer)Modifications: Radical SpecEngine: Suzuki Hayabusa 1500ccPower: ~150rwkwSuspension: Radical SpecTyres: Radical Spec Dunlop SlicksBrakes: Radical SpecBody weight: ~600kg
  14. Look forward to your world time attack build thread
  15. You can hold hands with your mates when you get back to the pits
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