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Everything posted by benm

  1. A few GTR's have run high 10's with 370-400kw. A safe estimate would be 11.0-11.3sec but most of it will come down to the driver.
  2. By the time you factor in the inconvenience of someone buying it and everyone having to drive there to collect their oil you would be cheaper off just buying the normal retail price at your local auto store. By a 20L drum if you can find them, that's about the cheapest way of doing it.
  3. I agree, to sooner the event organisers bring in db limits and fines the better. Whilst I do think that some good music (in the background) does make the show more enjoyable having wannabe DJ's compete against each other is annoying.
  4. Even less if they turn their stereo's off bro!
  5. Wasn't too bad a show, plenty of nice cars and interesting custom work. Good to see an SAU stand, certainly a lot of interest in the cars but pity they shoved you down in the back corner (which last year was the busiest area). Next time i'll remember my earplugs so that I don't have to listen to 14 different DJ's trying to outdo each other.
  6. It would be a pretty dull cruise.... imagine cruising around with 50 other cars on the back of flatbeds
  7. I used an identical crane to remove my engine. The legs fold up (pull a bolt) and the arm folds down.
  8. It's an 89 model and the pics don't do it justice.
  9. benm

    My Gtr

    You got something against engines sticking out of the engine bay?
  10. benm

    My Gtr

    Baron maybe we are just trying to increase the value of your 'working' GTR by breaking ours! Hopefully i'll be back on the road sometime this month.
  11. I wouldn't take any of those into consideration though because they could happen to any engine, standard or modified.
  12. Get a pair of Z32 AFM's and a bigger pair of turbo's, that engine should easily handle into the 400's.
  13. Side pipes certainly do make an engine sound different don't they.
  14. Im going either Saturday morning/lunch or Sunday lunch/arvo.
  15. What happens if you get a flat spot, or buckle a rim on a kerb or get a puncture? If you can fit them in the backseat+boot i'd take em out and swap em over, only takes 15mins to do.
  16. I have 255/45/17's on my 17x9's without any scrubbing issues or anything, drivers perfectly.
  17. Imagine spectating at the ring, you would have enough time to buy a hotdog n coke between seeing them on each lap.
  18. I was at 324awkw @ 8000rpm and Glen (Paul's friend) was about 400awkw (I believe that was a manufacture fault though rather than wear n tear).
  19. Bit rude of him wasn't it....
  20. These pics might help (R32 GTR) Looks like about 4 bolts and a pin (after you remove your clutch cylinder)
  21. I agree 100%. It comes down to what is the next weakest link in your drivetrain, in my case it was the flywheel.
  22. Of the 1 single piece of flywheel that I found left in my car (the size of a 20c coin) it shows evidence that their was already damage to it (cracked) before it decided to part company and land in the crowd (which ultimately - has cost me $20k). For me personally after my experience if I was having a brand new aftermarket clutch installed i'd be spending the extra cash to buy a good aftermarket flywheel and a ballistic blanket too. Edit: Oh and I wouldn't hesitate to use another JB full monty either.
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