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Everything posted by benm

  1. benm


    I'll be out there spectating again tomorrow nite and friday, yell out if you see me.
  2. benm


    All you people staying at friends houses.... the summernats just isnt the same if you havent worn the same clothes for atleast 3 days....get in the spirit.
  3. Depends on the weather, might do a triple header..... EC then straight to PCR with WSID on the fri nite
  4. benm


    I'll be staying in the back of my van on Northborne somewhere. If the vans a rocking dont come knocking
  5. Check in the groupbuy/forsale section as some NSW members are making/selling these for a similar price.
  6. How many km's on the gearbox and what year model was is from?
  7. ..and you alcoholics wonder why i never come into the city for a drink, i'd never make it home alive !!
  8. benm


    Generally speaking the women walking around with guys wont get picked on, or only in a friendly way if at all. But chicks walking around in groups wearing short skirts and tight tops, good luck. If you havent already organised accommodation, forget about it.. you are about 6mths too late.
  9. benm


    Yup im the same i'll be there Sat + Sun or.. until my body cant stand the sunburn any longer. I usually just drive down myself on friday arvo to Goulborn to stay at my parents house then drive my work van down early sat morning and sleep in the back sunday nite in some desserted area then go back sunday for the burnouts and another dose of sunburn. Regardless of the amount of v8's it really is a fantastic car enthusiast show with more and more jap cars becoming involved (although not as many as you find on the streets of Braddon late at night hehe). The whole chick thing is (unfortunately) dieing down. I wouldn't have taken a chick within 10km of the place 3 or 4 years ago but these days plenty of middle aged families are going with their young kids and dont have any problems. If you dress for the occassion and not for the attention and dont wander around in groups of girls you are pretty much alright. Im unsure how spectacular the event will be this time around due to the major accident last event caused by the drifters running over some people in the crowd on the sat nite main event. Expect security ever 10m stopping any driver that even remotely looks like they are going to do something stupid. Why they dont just make the cruise route 1 way with heaps and heaps of safety barriers allowing drivers to do what they want to do is beyond me. Can't wait...
  10. Holy shit balls, what wheels are they?
  11. benm

    Drag Warz

    Too busy posing at the crowd instead of watching the tree, typical!
  12. benm


    Actually they stopped allowing runs at 11:15pm because well... they felt like it. So 2 of 2 nites that the weather was fine they ended the night early because well... they felt like it. The other nite it was rained out 1hr 20 after the nite started so of 15hrs racing we've seen 7hrs.
  13. benm


    The noise limit is just a "we have to state this to keep the locals happy..."
  14. benm


    Easy 10 runs both nites, although weather hasnt been very reliable over the past month so maybe that has been keeping the people away.... if not the drag racing scene has really died in the ass in the past 4-8wks.
  15. Worked fine thanks, now I have 808 pages to browse through
  16. The body would be twisting more in the first 100ft then the last 100ft, thats why u see cars lifting 1 (or both) wheels off the line and not over the finish line.
  17. benm

    Drag Warz

    Yup quite a poor turnout from the SAU community, i've seen more SAU guys there on a Wed/Fri nite, even the pulsar club had more cars than us. Not as many competitors as i expected and about half the crowd i expected, not sure why as it was a great day for drag racing.
  18. Yup let him borrow my very worn Nitto's for his final 3-4 runs and he dropped an instant 0.3sec with prob another 0.2sec to go.
  19. benm

    Drag Warz

    Jess - Pic of 2rismo's car (http://www.andra.com.au/sc/release.asp?ID=327) Liz - Not if I stalk u first!
  20. benm

    Drag Warz

    Just look for 2rismo's r33 gtst in the pits with a bunch of posers standing around it.
  21. I'm happy to teach you the first 3ft of the track, not sure what the rest of it looks like tho
  22. benm


    Me, my hiace will be in the carpark
  23. benm


    http://www.badgerphotography.com.au/WSID.htm http://www.cacklingpipes.com/
  24. Brendan remind me 1 wednesday nite to bring down my nitto's on 300zx rims for u to try out, they are practically bald anyway but still going to be better than 19's.
  25. Well im not the only driver blowing flywheels at wsid, a BA Ford Ute blew his flywheel last nite (with the help of a supercharger). I doubt his bill will be $15k like mine tho
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