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Everything posted by benm

  1. I'll meet you on the start line, you meet me back at the pits
  2. If you cant find Fatz car there in the morning just look for the pile of dirt... thats about all it is now! Cya's there at about 1pm.
  3. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=128619
  4. Got that right: http://www.formula1.com/race/news/4761/763.html
  5. Anyone got pics of the rear strut brace?
  6. Take it back on Monday and tell him the polish was pathetic!
  7. RaceBrakes is in Wetherill Park. GavSport (Specialised Brake & Clutch) are at St Marys, make sure you ask for Kevin.
  8. Atleast if it's wet their won't be any chance of someone rolling their car, unlike if it was dry!
  9. Don't forget the tyres are changing in 2007, so the top few teams that may have a very sorted car this year may not be as consistent next year.
  10. Who's is that RCS009 GTR? I seen it at WSID last night and it was the cleanest GTR i've ever seen in my life.
  11. The Enzo is the sexiest Ferrari ever built and probably the only 1 I would actually pay for. This car makes me want to visit the bathroom (and not to throwup either).
  12. We are discussing the effects a 60ft time has on the TS, not gear changes (which is a whole different kettle of fish). Gear changes will also effect the TS because the longer it takes you to change gears the less distance their is available for your engine to accellerate.As I said it's all a numbers game.... http://my.execpc.com/~culp/space/physics.html
  13. I realise what you guys are saying, i've seen it happen many times in my 10yrs of drag racing spectating. At the end of the day drag racing is all just a big maths equation, with the primary equation being Speed = Distance/Time (or in our language - MPH). A shorter distance gives a slower Speed (MPH) provided that Accelleration is kept equal.
  14. Of those 6 double retirements how many were 2x failures as opposed to 1x failure + 1x accident? (not that it matters much) It seemed as though 1 car would die and the other would crash both in the same gp.
  15. Quite an interesting view of an F1 car... http://www.overclockers.com.au/pr.php?id=494864
  16. Doesn't matter how many times I read this I still do not believe it. Take 2 100% identical automatic cars with identical power/torque/accelleration etc, driven by 2 identical robots. Car A starts at the starting line (400m total) Car B starts 50m ahead of the starting line (350m total) Which car will have the higher TS? Car A - longer distance to gain higher speed = higher TS. Now if both car A + B start side by side at the starting line and Car A has a 1sec 60ft and Car B has a 2sec 60ft it means Car B is going at a slower speed than Car A with the same distance left to travel . Noting this, how can Car B (being identical to Car A) possibly get a higher TS than Car A when they both have identical power/torque/accelleration etc?
  17. I think he is scared he'll end up without a decent team if he decides to give Williams the flick too quickly.
  18. What a tosser the owner is of that last pic, shoulda been out on the track drifting it! I was actually gonna take some chick pics from on the spectators hill but the battery light started flashing mid sunday arvo
  19. I took about 50 pics on N1GTR's camera, no idea how they turned out though.
  20. Post-race interviews: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDs2ultJSoQ
  21. Dezz - Uploading now, any other requests?
  22. Great race, 1 of the best of the year. If I was Webber i'd grab my helmet and kick it directly at Sir Frank!
  23. Well qualifying was abit all over the place, more drama then most races.
  24. Obviously "1 size fits all" doesnt apply for the outfits those chicks were wearing...
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