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Everything posted by benm

  1. Well I just watched the iTV Broadcast of the 3 Qualifying sessions, damn do we get the raw end of the deal in tv coverage I think i'll be watching more iTV from now on. Interesting to note that despite Webber qualifying 3rd (now 2nd) he only actually had the 6th fastest qualifying lap out of the 3 sessions, so I think he's quite lucky to be starting from the front row because he clearly doesn't have the 2nd (3rd) quickest car on the track. I must say if I was to ever go and watch an overseas F1 race it would most definitely be the Monaco Grand Prix, so much trackside glamour i'd probably have to watch a replay of the race the following morning.
  2. I'll just get my relocator fitted next oil change by a mechanic and that will be the end of it
  3. Here is a rear angle of mine and another...
  4. I don't know how you guys get these tools down there, I can barely fit my hand down into the filter area...
  5. 1st gear was 100% wheelspin, it didnt gain any traction until midway thru 2nd gear
  6. I ate only 1 hotdog, that's a new pb for me
  7. That's a damn good price considering current PULP prices are $84/60L
  8. Thats pretty much it, thanks. Their is a DIY Tutorial with pics on the CyberStork website showing exactly what you have done above in this thread. http://www.cyberstork.com/cgi-bin/howto.cg...g&imgtp=skyline
  9. Does the R32 GTR kit come with the 3 smaller gauges kit as shown in the first picture or only the kit for the main dash cluster?
  10. Yup thats how I read it, much cheaper than what other import shops are selling them for (this is probably a cheaper brand though no doubt). I'd really like just white dials (including center console, which I haven't found yet apart from the genuine nismo gauges) and brighter normal globes. Whilst the blue globes are much nicer on the eye at night time than the standard globes it did attract alot of attention from other drivers.
  11. That bathurst cruise was the craziest weather ever! Pit straight and we are all posing in the sun, mountain straight and it starts sprinkling so I put my window up, top of the mountain and its bucketing down.. everybody hits the brakes, conrod and back to spitting, last corner and the sun is out again. Then we turn out of bathurst heading back to Sydney and get 5mins along the road and it's snowing, wtf!
  12. Very good tutorial, I was surfing around ebay last nite and came across this: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/NISMO-NISSAN-SKYLIN...1QQcmdZViewItem Really miss white dials from my old GTS-t, maybe this thread is enough of an incentive to do something about that.
  13. If money isn't an option keep your standard shifter and fit 1 of these and tell me how good it is: http://www.ikeya-f.co.jp/en/index.html
  14. If everyone whom he helped sent SK only 1 carton of beer he'd put VB out of business.
  15. Look at all those ugly muts in those first few pics.... Obviously TWS has disappeared coz my exhaust is still a virgin....
  16. http://www.initialdrift.com.au/forums/ Check it out on a friday nite, dont take my word for it being rubbish.
  17. Most other countries have more than 5 FTA channels.
  18. Well I go to practically every single motorsport event I know about in the local sydney area -except- fri nite drifting because its just not worth the time or money, it's pathetic.
  19. That will never happen simply because the F1 races start at different times every race. Sometimes it could be midday, other times it could be 6pm and other times 9pm and that is too much hassle to be shown live.
  20. I believe it is every 2nd friday nite. The facilities are 3rd world country, make sure if you are driving you have massive spotties and if you are spectating bring a torch.
  21. More details about the exhaust? Size, brand, model, material, is it noisey or drone much etc?
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