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Everything posted by benm

  1. That's practically what every driver does on the cruise route. Actually I reckon if any spectator goes home without their shins covered in burnt rubber they didn't get close enough to the action
  2. benm


    7 trophies damn what were they all for?
  3. benm


    Yup, I think it was the year of the datto too. Never seen so many at the Summernats before! Actually a Datto won its class in the burnout comp and also was very good in the Go-2-Whoa.
  4. Don't need any mods, it has almost double the power of my GTS-t (190rwkw vs 350rwkw). The only time i've ever noticed the 4wd kick in is launches at WSID and going up the gutter of my driveway
  5. I'll be there, still unsure if i'll be driving or spectating though.
  6. I got a 4 wheel alignment (don't forget Skylines are 4WS so you will be charged extra) and a 4 wheel balance for $95 at a local shop (Bob Jane T-Marts is normally about $120).
  7. I actually liked the idea of the fence near the VB Bar. If a fence the same but half the height was put around the main side of the cruise route where all the spectators stand then it would actually be quite safe and still very decent for the spectators. The concrete blocks don't do anything, not when their is only 1 every 50m, whats that going to do?
  8. Mine hasn't been over 92c which includes 300km drives (with spirited driving along the way) during 40c heat. It usually sits on around 86-89c for the most part.
  9. Robo; Yup was a marroon R33 GTS-t. I noticed the front ducts, looks wicked!
  10. The car no doubt has another 2.5sec quicker left in it, but the driver just needs to learn how to drive 2.5sec quicker
  11. The rear wheels may have been doing 140km/h (no doubt 3rd gear) but the impact certainly wasn't at 140km/h i'd say 50-70km/h.
  12. Yeah easily the best 510 i've ever seen, gotta love those rear rims eh!
  13. correct.
  14. benm


    The blue GTR had pumped guards (more pumped than a standard GTR), it actually didn't look too bar. The grey TUFGTR car was at WSID about a month ago. From memory it did a high 10 / low 11sec pass.
  15. The security mob were just all on power trips, they thought they were gods gift to the world. Nothing unusual though, give any late 20's bloke a shirt with 'security' written on the back and some 'authority' and watch them go. I seen 1 spectator trying to cross the road, got stuck in the middle between 2 cars doing burnouts and next thing security ripped off his wristband and escorted him out the gates because they thought he was causing trouble. The CAPA accident was just completely stupid, CAPA hang your heads in shame! They were a major sponsor of Summernats 19, wanting plenty of exposure and they definitely got it... and none of it was good exposure. The 4 drift cars (including Fernando I believe) were drifting around the dirt horse track, easily 10-15,000 spectators with only a metal fence railing inbetween. The black/white hankook tyres car was hugging in the inside line nice and tight but the other 3 cars were all over the place.. down low up high and 1 even had to do a 360 to avoid hitting the fence. I'm sitting in the crowd thinking how in the hell could Summernats allow such an event to happen because of the lack of safety and 2 laps later the yellow drift car gets all crossed up and flattens the fence with half the car into the crowd. Apparently a security guy I was talking to overheard the driver/police say he was doing 140km/h just before spinning off but that is unconfirmed. A family was squased by the fence posts and chicken wire. Security, police, fire brigade... everyone was on the scene. I hope the driver is charged and I hope CAPA/Summernats are fined.
  16. benm


    I came down tonight (well im at Goulburn so far) and I seen 6 cop cars in total (around Marulan) and a green pulsar with rims in the RTA station getting inspected. Nothing outrageous yet, but then again I haven't crossed into the ACT border..
  17. I arrived at Goulburn (parents) at 8pm. Seen about 3 cops cars Sth-bound and 3 cop cars Nth-bound all around the Marulan RTA station area. I was gonna head to Braddon tonight (then back to Goulburn to stay the night) but meh i'll just drive down in the morning for the Nats then go to Braddon at nite.
  18. benm


    Quite annoying isn't it, biggest car show in the country and the cops treat it like a xmas bonus!
  19. Guys any news on the cops in both braddon and on the hume hwy heading into Canberra from NSW? Still unsure whether to drive my van or gtr...
  20. From memory JustJap charge about $70 per/coil. If it's just 1 then that might be ok for you but if it is 3 or 4 that are faulty then it would probably be better to get a Splitfire set from www.nengun.com for about $550 delivered.
  21. www.croydonracingdevelopments.com
  22. Make sure you get the correct model number coils as the Series 1 and Series 2 R33 GTS-t's use different coils.
  23. I did my first 6,000rpm launch last nite.... interesting :)
  24. What is the weather like down there at present ?
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