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Everything posted by benm

  1. Is the AFM plug firmly in? Like it's not wobbly or anything... Maybe wrap some tape around it just to be sure..
  2. www.nismo.com.au www.nengun.com
  3. You will have some left over from the 3.7L Redline bottle. It can be purchased from www.nismo.com.au
  4. Yes the cops need something to do like... fighting crime. Speeding isn't a crime, it's a traffic offence. The RTA should be the organisation booking us for speeding not the police. They should be finding murderers or catching thieves not sitting half asleep on the side of the motorway with a laser pointed at us all. The RTA actually "hire" the police officers to do this job, so the officers you see at RBT's would normally be sitting at home (ie; not working).
  5. Email it to me in 10mb files (im serious)
  6. I'll be there, Spectator = 50% Driving = 50% (depends on how hot it is)
  7. My GTR has 1 of these Nismo thermo thingies.... i've driven 300km in it this afternoon; ambient temp = 26-31c, Intake Air Temp = 48-52c, Water Temp = 76-80c and those temps ranged from 110km/h highway driving to start stop start stop with it copping a hiding inbetween I'll see tomorrow if I have any manuals with it etc.
  8. Shouldn't be speeding anyway; a) its bad B) double demerits
  9. If you say know they'll just arrest you with 'failing to obey police orders' or something like that. Face it, police are untouchable without a lawyer right there to really tell them what the law actually is.
  10. I'll be there, what colour is it? Could you put a picture of some bare breasts on the bonnet coz i'd be likely to find it much quicker that way....
  11. If i drop off my car will someone paint it for me? I'm gonna be in Newcastle for the day but would have loved to come...
  12. Meh! *hugs 2530's*
  13. Where da Ho's ?
  14. I was standing outside me vehicle face to face with these 2 cops (as instructed to), they flat out refused to give me their badge number and/or any other details more than 5 times even after I stated they had to give me these details upon request. They took my license and walked back to their cop car parked behind mine to checkup on me. I grabbed a pen and paper out of my car (through the window) and walked to the back of my car (rear wing) and started to write down the cars number plate details. They realised what I was doing and got straight back out of their cars (hands on guns) and yelled at me to stop writing down their rego numbers and put the pen and paper away. I told them that if they wouldn't give me their badge numbers then I was getting their rego details, at this point in time it wouldn't have taken much more talking from me to have them shove my ass to the ground so I stopped what I was doing and put the pen and paper away as instructed to. Even when the constable arrived 10mins later I was still refused any badge numbers and instead all I got was the constables office contact number on a business card. So once again, whilst the laws may permit certain things that citizens can and can't do, the police can do what they want when they want and we dont have a leg to stand on (unless their is a lawyer present at the time in which case they'll do everything by the book). Edit: One of my parents actually works in the police force, their are certain books I can get about rules and regulations however most of them are 1000+ pages and would take months to digest/copy.
  15. About 5-6mths ago I was pulled over and after being annoyed by them I requested their badge numbers (a male and female cop) and was refused on more than 10 requests that I asked. A further 200m up the road where I was pulled over again by the same 2 officers (long stupid story, won't go into it) they called for backup including some head cop guy that was on duty and some other officers that came bounding over gutters and front lawns Even he refused to give me their badge numbers and names etc etc and after another 15mins of bullshit he gave me a business card with his name and office phone number on it. So whilst they may 'have' to give you certain details, their really isn't much you can do if they refuse to give the details to you. All it will do is add fuel to the fire and put you deeper in the shit. I've pretty much learnt now that cops can and will do whatever they want and we really have no say in the matter even if the law is on our side so instead just smile
  16. That practically looks factory!
  17. ctrl-alt-del does the reset
  18. (subscribed) Will check back after Xmas is over.
  19. If it was the week after i'd probably be in but the 26th is just too busy a time...
  20. You should do a comparison quote of before/after you turn 26 (even though i thought the price reduces when u turn 25, not 26).
  21. Yeah was a pretty good day. I was expecting double the spectators and competitors but oh well the event was way too close to Xmas and the weather was way too hot. Congrats to all winners.
  22. Ok for the people still using this thread i've just fixed the pictures (linked to my gallery pics rather than personal webspace).
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