I was standing outside me vehicle face to face with these 2 cops (as instructed to), they flat out refused to give me their badge number and/or any other details more than 5 times even after I stated they had to give me these details upon request. They took my license and walked back to their cop car parked behind mine to checkup on me. I grabbed a pen and paper out of my car (through the window) and walked to the back of my car (rear wing) and started to write down the cars number plate details. They realised what I was doing and got straight back out of their cars (hands on guns) and yelled at me to stop writing down their rego numbers and put the pen and paper away.
I told them that if they wouldn't give me their badge numbers then I was getting their rego details, at this point in time it wouldn't have taken much more talking from me to have them shove my ass to the ground so I stopped what I was doing and put the pen and paper away as instructed to. Even when the constable arrived 10mins later I was still refused any badge numbers and instead all I got was the constables office contact number on a business card.
So once again, whilst the laws may permit certain things that citizens can and can't do, the police can do what they want when they want and we dont have a leg to stand on (unless their is a lawyer present at the time in which case they'll do everything by the book).
Edit: One of my parents actually works in the police force, their are certain books I can get about rules and regulations however most of them are 1000+ pages and would take months to digest/copy.