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Everything posted by benm

  1. You really can't blame anyone for that, you live 7hrs from the track and have a heavily modified car. That is the price you pay for living in a traffic-free, smog-free, coastal area with a 9sec car. Their will -always- be additional costs compared with the 13sec Sydney Metro 20-something driver.
  2. 1x spectator!
  3. Had we have started the drag day and then an hour later it rained and WSID called the day off the cancel fee would be acceptable but with the weather the way it was and the drag day cancelled before we even set foot on track the cancel fee is way over the top. Paul: It was raining within 10km of WSID on the way to the track that morning whilst I was driving along the M4. Every direction we looked in the sky at the track it looked like it was going to rain any minute. We had a bbq at the river which is 21km west of WSID and it drizzled for most of the day (it's also the way the rain comes, from Penrith -> Eastern Creek). So whilst it was not raining at exactly 9am whilst we were all standing in the wet pits, it most certainly would have rained no less than an hour later and pretty much on and off the entire day. Last weeks Wed nite street meet was cancelled and it hadn't rained for the 4-6hrs leading up to when they start (6pm). They cancelled due to high winds and patchy rain. The conditions on that day/nite were 10x better than at our Drag day and they still cancelled it. I personally believe the best decision was made on the day.
  4. Problem: Recieving 1 email for every post in every thread that I am subscribed to. Is it possible to recieve only 1 email for a new post in a subscribed thread (until I view that new post/thread) rather than receiving 14 new emails for 14 new posts all in the same thread all within 1hr. I'm sure it was how I mentioned above with the old version of forum software but has been changed to this since the new forum software?
  5. Bah it's a toyota won't be any problems there... just an expensive way to wash the car thats all!
  6. No 1 is too old for 18yo
  7. Geeze another series of events to add to my 'events calendar' i've already got wed nite at wsid and sat nites at pcr I need a sexretary just to keep tab of all of these events...
  8. I actually wish the 'whole cars' was split up (somehow, im not sure) into the different models eg R32 GTR, R32 GTS-t, R33 GTR, R33 GTS-t etc etc. It would make it 10x easier to find/monitor sale ads.
  9. I've been to pratically every single event WSID has ever held (except for motorbike events pfft) and I must say that the Supernats was easily the best event i've ever been to by an absolute country mile. Their is nothing better than watching some of Sydney's best Rotors against some blown v8's running door handle to door handle. It was also nice to see some decent burnouts (compared to the lame ass wed nite attempts). Soon as their was a problem on the track (oil down or accident etc) Ahmed was straight out into the pits hustling guys to do some big burnouts or do something crazy. That's exactly how an event should be run, none of this 30min break stuff and then cut things out (or short) because they run out of time. The Supercruise was tops to watch, their was too much happening at once, if only I could have kept 1 eye on each end of the track I would have been happy. Their were also plenty of babes around the place (i'm hoping someone is going to post some pics up???). The perfect leadup to the Summernats in 2mths Top event, 9.8 out of 10 (loses 0.2 because it was a hot day).
  10. Tell us your price son!
  11. I would have offered them a napkin but it would have covered too much...
  12. Well done Brett, it's been a long time coming. Won't be very long at all before it's running single digits, I dare say next outing.
  13. Just ticked over 35c here, no doubt it will get to about 37c before starting to drop at around 6-7pm.
  14. My preferred date is tall and slim with shoulder length hair err you better all eat my bbq sausages biznatches!
  15. Precis For Wednesday Min Max Sydney: Fine. Mostly sunny. 20 30 Liverpool: Fine. Mostly sunny. 18 35 Penrith: Fine. Mostly sunny. 19 35 Richmond: Fine. Mostly sunny. 18 35 Fark as if I wasn't sunburnt enough already!!
  16. Wait until u see tomorrows weather.
  17. I usually sit in the seating inline with the starting tree towards the very top (easy access to the hotdogs).
  18. I'd be more worried about where Neil's hand is and why Ronald has a big smile...
  19. I woke up 1 morning a few days ago to find a full rack of bread rolls in the back of my van. After using about 25 of them I have no use for the remaining rolls so I thought i'd sell them. I'm happy to do bulk buy discount if you are interested...
  20. I'll be there, hell I bloody live at the place.
  21. Ugh the only good mountain women are those whom work in mountain shops but live at base of mountain
  22. I am the most sunburnt I have ever been in my life. I arrived at 8am in shorts and a tshirt and was contemplating buying a jumper coz it was looking like rain was gonna fall any minute. I took 1 look at the pissy little merchandise tent behind the main grandstand and kept walking. The A1's sounded quite different to what I was expecting. They were much louder, I was expecting a much deeper throbbing sound. The Chrysler pace car was the biggest ugliest worst sounding car i've ever witnessed in my life. To top it off it was an auto so everytime it took off out of the pits it sounded like it was going to struggle into 2nd gear and just made the uuugliest sound, ugh!! I thought the $55 entry fee was a rip off, I mean c'mon this isn't the Bathurst 1000 and it certainly wasn't an F1 race. I noticed that the grandstand seats were $80 (incl gate entry) on the sunday, who in their right mind would pay $150 for a single adult grandstand ticket to basically watch 4 main races. They certainly advertised the event well (both tv and radio adverts) for about a month prior but the turnout of spectators was quite low, then again im sure the price had something to do with that. The spectators were pretty cool, atleast I could hear and see them speak which is unlike most of the V8 events. At the end of the day i'd rate it a 6 out of 10 purely because it was something new, losing points on ticket price, lack of merchandise and novelty stands and lack of pit girls.
  23. I'm 20km west of the track. The ground is wet and its very overcast but isn't raining. The biggest problem will be that the pits will be wet but track dry (after they dry it out for us).
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