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Everything posted by benm

  1. I finished work and was home by 10am yay! Was up around your area Buster, at the public school and near the council, certainly the worst/best hit area of all the Mtns. GWH was closed from Katoomba-> Blackheath with near 100 semi-trailers parked along the side of the road all heading west. Lucky I didn't have any deliveries for Blackheath coz they wouldn't have been delivered today
  2. My brother-inlaw has been complaining the last week about his audio cd's jumping in his new CD Player in his work vehicle. I suggested it was probably just a dodgy CD Player until I realised he was using Ritek CD-R 80min/700mb CD's and burning with a Pioneer DVR106. So we did a CRC check in Nero CD/DVD Speed to find that more than 65% of the CD was damaged. Whilst I certainly agree that hardware plays a big part in this i'd put money on it that the quality control team at Ritek must have gone on holidays all at once over the past 6mths or so.
  3. RiData (same with RiMedia) is a sub-company of RiTek. They are lower quality than genuine Ritek G04/G05. I was at the markets today and asked a guy what the best quality media was that he had, he pointed at genuine RitekG05's. I laughed and asked for something better, he handed me a 50pk of Princo's, I laughed again. Than 5mins later when I was just about to leave he says "Oh you could try out these OEM TDK TY02's" haha finally he pulls out something decent...
  4. I think their is forms of medication for that...
  5. ...and your car was on display with a GTI
  6. I seen to leaving out Gate 7 on Saturday, by the sounds of things you were probably going to fill up with more fuel
  7. I'm guessing by standard you mean 3" exhaust + airfilter + boost? (Edit: Yup, "All standard except for HKS filters and cat back exhaust.")
  8. I'd skip straight past the Ritek (G05's) and go straight to something like TDK/Verbatim/Fuji. I believe Ritek has gone out of business anyhow, not sure how long stock will last (or of another company has bought them out). Hearing very bad reports about Ritek's (both A grade genuine and other Ritek branded disc's).
  9. I believe only 'current stock' is being sold with no more being ordered until the legal stuff is over.
  10. I've thrown out 20+ Ritek's in the last 48hrs that all had CRC Errors after a successful burn
  11. You should definitely be in 4th before going across the line. As Adrian said trying changing a little earlier (6700rpm instead of say 7000rpm).
  12. Yeah you'll want 1500/256k for online play (which should pretty much be the minimum for any gamer these days).
  13. eXc: To change the 'RB25' bit go into your control panel and it's the first option in the 'edit profile' options.
  14. Someone probably stole his computer and is just logging in under his username
  15. I played them demo online (Internode Gamers Servers) everyday for about a week before the full game became available. I never once had lag or a dropout however I did have a constant 40ms ping on Australia's best ISP + Gaming Servers. I played the demo on 1280 res on high detail and didn't once have an issue (Nvidia 6800GT 256mb). The graphics card and ram play a major part in the quality, if you have less than 1gb of DDR ram than upgrade immediately (it's very cheap). I think it's good that big games like this force people to use certain models (or better) of video cards, it's the only way to force people to upgrade their systems so that the game companies can release better quality games. I'm still yet to buy the game. Everytime I see it at the shops it's always $99.95 and i'm not willing to spend that much on a game i'd be lucky to play for a month. I've heard it being advertised around at various places for $80-something. If and when I see it for $70 something then i'll buy it.
  16. No worries. I think i'll have to add a DVD Camcorder + Tripod on the Xmas list this year
  17. Yes the burner plays a part in how successful the burn is. Some burners perform well on media that other burners hate. The firmware plays a bigger part in it though as firmware revisions are generally only released as new media becomes available (brand, speed and dye content). Ie v1 of a firmware might be really good at 4x Ritek's but bad at 8x Riteks so they release a v2 to cover that problem. But then Ritek could change the dye chemical content midway through production and v2 could be worse than v1. You just have to find a media (and model of that media) and stick to it until either you buy a new dvd burner or they stop making that particular media.
  18. I love muscle cars, i've been to the Summernats for the last 4yrs and will continue to go for as long as I can, actually i've been to more Summernats than I have AutoSalons. If you want $35/day worth of value and an A+ show go to the Summernats, not the PowerCruise. That guy from Qld obviously has never been to the Summernats, he'd laugh at the PC events. The drifting was dull, they make them drift the entire way around the track when their are only spectators on the main straight. Considering EC has a purpose built drift track (which was used as a carpark) was a joke making them drift out on the 4km track. It only takes 1 lap to destroy a set of tyres of which you get to see them drift for 200m down the main straight. Too many regular cars on the dyno. I'm not interested in watching 180-200rwkw vehicles. It's a big show with heaps of muscle cars, where are all the 600+ hp muscle cars? Sure their were a few but not worth sitting there for 3hrs watching them. The powerskids weren't too bad. I was holding my breath the entire time hoping 1 of those nice cars didn't smack the wall like with the drags at PC3. Behind the pits was full of parked cars and trailers. You mean to tell me they have to park them all right there in the main arena where all the spectators walk around when they have acres of land that they could park all that stuff. Why wasn't it full with demonstations and sponsor stalls? The recent Skyline show up the coast almost had as many displays as what the PC did. I went to PC3 and thought it was shocking. I went to PC4 expecting something much better, which yes it was better but it's still not worth $35/day of my money. $20 yes maybe $25 but pfft $35. Maybe I go attend too many motorsport events and have become very critical of the lame 1's im not sure all I know is that the PC people really need to step it up a few gears because they have the perfect opportunities, they just need to know how to make use of those opportunities (which currently they aren't doing).
  19. inark: I had a neighbour just drop over 2 Ritek's that he was trying to watch/copy that were both skipping (didn't skip for me on 2 different DVD Players 2wks ago when I first burnt them) and he couldn't copy them either. I'm re-doing them right now with these Verbatims. Yes the higher the rating the better. The spikes on the graphs are where you get skips, pauses, etc when watching the movies (or could be the parts that stop them from being duplicated again).
  20. I'd recommend holding off another few months until you have $17k available for the car as that extra $2k would give you a massive range to choose from of which would have the basics like exhaust, airfilter, audio system, tints, fmic etc.You may say you want a stock car but 2mths later you'll be wanting to put a full exhaust on it, a month later a fmic, then some big wheels etc (even though you are on your P's). So you could save yourself a huge amount of money by holding off for that extra $2k.
  21. Stacey: done I've just added another 8 video's (that's all of them done). Once again they aren't fantastic quality but i'm yet to see any other video's posted (well 1 but that was a media guy). Download them from: HERE
  22. I didn't realise that the video's I posted were all corrupt (my FTP program spat the dummy when uploading them). So i've just re-uploaded them all and I believe they are working fine now. You will need to download 'Divx 5' in order to view them as they are a highly compressed format. You can get this from: http://download.divx.com/divx/DivXPlay.exe My video's are located: HERE
  23. Well from memory last PC I went on the friday and for that event they should have paid the spectators to come, not us pay them to spectate because it was terrible. However, as mentioned on this forum it was mentioned that the Sat/Sun days were much better so I thought i'd give it another chance for PC4. Never again PC is off my motor sport calendar for good! I didn't actually see any women worth commenting on, certainly no promo girls or bikini comps etc. Actually I seen more rotary cars (1) than girls i'd rate. Some of the burnouts were ok in the big burnout comp tonight however when the temperature is -16 on the spectators hill not even Gary Myers can impress me.
  24. So does this mean that the sau users posting heavily in the 'postwhore' threads could actually make money out of it by becoming a police officer and postwhoring from behind a police computer whilst eating krispy kreme donuts? Cops make me puke!
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