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Everything posted by benm

  1. The track hasn't been ruined, its just gives another layout option (just like Oran Park had).
  2. bahh it didnt like HD being ticked.
  3. Gaytube, dunno how to embed videos. I don't agree with the entry cost being the same for half the track although standing at the new turn 4 for 4hrs today it is quite an exciting little section that turns the whole north circuit layout into more of a horsepower track than EC already was. Very bumpy on the entry to turn 4, take too much curb and it will bounce the car around and make it difficult to get the right line into turn 5 which then effects top end speed at (the new) turn 6 kink.
  4. The tow rating of a vehicle has zero to do with the towbar itself.
  5. Can i pay entry with my iTunes gift card?
  6. Marulan? Ugh! So no screamers on the track or in Barrons corporate caravan
  7. this is a wankr's event not a pulling event!
  8. How'm I sposed to modify my sss pulsar when new rules are added every 13 seconds?
  9. Sorry im out, I wanked 1 time too many and blew my bearing!
  10. Can they bring the old surface to Sydney and lay it in a paddock somewhere
  11. it will be sold to FPR because obviously they cant build a decent car!
  12. Oh c'mon now, we are comparing gtr vs evo not gtr vs pulsar. I think both the evo and gtr engines would be pushed just as hard in rpm and gforce. If their were solutions that didn't require the engine to come out why do we get so many spun bearings?
  13. It wasn't queueing that cost 888 the win as the time is recovered when sitting behind the safety car, what lost 888 the win was the group of cars traveling behind 88 when Whincup had that battery issue, Tander was already past 88 and in the pits and 888 was stuck about 5 cars behind 88 across the top of the mountain at walking speeds...
  14. safety cars trigger safety cars...
  15. it's all the kids fault...
  16. 1080p coverage of bathurst, about bloody time!
  17. benm

    Lap Timers

    I've been using a PerformanceBox for around 2 years now, because I wanted realtime info whilst im on the track rather than waiting until the following day to see natsuck times. I like the Qstar that Eric uses, the software looks brilliant and very easy to use and get information out of but the problem is thats 15mins after you did the laps and what did you do different on your fastest lap compared to the other dozen laps for that session? None of us are F1 drivers, you won't remember if you approached a corner with 5km more speed or braked 10m later or used a different entry line it simply won't happen. But using the split times from the PerformanceBox, or even better the predictive lap timing all live infront of your eyes as you are out on the track really makes a difference. I glance at split 1 and 2 and then the total laptime every single lap, I can then brake later into 1 corner and immediately see if my split is faster or slower and adjust accordingly. The software is very informative but I find I have to watch the tutorial videos each time I use the software to remember how use the data properly. I also find that matching the data up with video to get a data overlay like you see on YouTube video's quite difficult. But this is likely just me not knowing how to use the software properly, or more so, only using it once every 6 weeks. To combat the data overlay issue I recently bought a Contour+ (HD+GPS for about $600 with accessories) so that I get instant data overlay with Dashware software. I used it last weekend but unfortunately being my first use of the actual camera I had the lens set to 90deg instead of 0deg meaning my hour of video was a complete waste of time. Rotating the video in VLC doesn't fix the aspect ratio and no matter what I do it just can't be fixed so i'll have to test it at the next track day. I video every session for 2 reasons. So that my family can watch what I do and also because watching your sessions back helps you realize what you are doing right and wrong by having the laptime and speed data on screen next to you. Despite having both these pieces of equipment im still not a fast driver but I do have a massive amount of fun and that is the reason I attend 8+ trackdays a year.
  18. From a track car perspective what would an evo require to make it reliable and what would a gtr require? We all know that the RB26 is probably the most unreliable performance engine Nissan has made due to the oil starvation issues so the gtr basically requires the engine out straight away. I'm looking for a new track car in the not too far future and I just think that an r32 gtr is just too old these days. They are basically a 25 year old vehicle. Sure they might still be fast but mechanically they require a lot of tidying up to make it a reliable fun car. Basically for the same price as a 13yo r34 gtr you can buy a 2yo Evo 10 which requires nothing but good brake fluid and brake pads before visiting the track. I'd rather be doing 70sec laps at Wakefield Park for 8 events a year in an Evo 10 than doing 65sec laps for 1 event a year in an r34 gtr because the engine is being repaired for the remaining 11 months of the year.
  19. Wednesday Night off-street drags = $50 for approx 5 runs = $10 per/run SAU:NSW off-street drags = $200 for approx 50 runs = $4 per/run with no waiting time and a free lunch. I know which i'd prefer to attend...
  20. Ahh Bathurst, the 1 weekend of the year that I don't answer phone calls or the front door and have missed numerous family things over the years! Actually I think it's my mothers birthday, but she can wait too! I think Skaife and Lowndes have the winning combination but i'd really like to see my #1 team HRT do well they need it badly.
  21. Have you driven a 32 gtr (or 33) and compared it to your gtst Hamilton? They are night and day. The gtr even just sitting in it in your garage is miles better, it immediately gives you the feeling that it is designed fast and wants to go fast and you can notice it instantly when driving even at regular speeds. gtst = red rattler gtr = tangara
  22. I cant see us getting 35 people again, mid-week and its hours away from the city
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