I'll be there spectating.
Damn I need to fill out my calendar for all this motorsport action in May (from memory their are 2 trackdays, 2 F1 races, 2 V8S races, a cruise or 2) I think I might need to take some time off from work... oh hangon im home by midday
Get a set of known working coils and put 5 of them in (with 1 original coil). Then work your way down from their until it starts missing again.
That's what I did although I used electrical tape instead of fresh coils. In the end just bite the bullet and get a set of Splitfires
Damn I want one of those keyboards, it would save so much of my typing.
I have laughed at some threads and just closed them, no point at even attempting to have a conversation when it takes longer to decipher the message than it does to reply.
I believe those laws have been happening for awhile right?
I only seen about 2 lines over and over, they certainly weren't having a direct go at the import community.
Go and grab a cold coke and have a read of this thread which is quite helpful.
I had exactly the same problem as you, soon as I cut/earthed the return wire to the ecu all my problems stopped and my car has never stalled since.
Interesting thread. It was only yesterday that I seen an ad on tv and thought i'd try and get an online quote from them to see what they were charging only to find that they don't like under 25's.
I'll give them a call later this arvo. Currently $1,800/yr with Famous which is fairly good I think.