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Everything posted by benm

  1. Merli has had some experience with both pumps, 1 of them cost him some $$$
  2. I'll be there, not sure if i'll be behind the wheel or in the grandstand tho
  3. Here is my before/after review
  4. 50 GTR's in 6 days, damn thats fast work
  5. www.nengun.com have them for $285 delivered.
  6. Not a sworn in cop but her job does involve wearing a police uniform to work everyday and driving cop cars all day.
  7. How do you get them out though? What needs to be removed and what tools are required etc?
  8. I believe a cop must follow you for 'x' km's before they can guesstimate you as speeding (I think X is about 100m, i'll ask mum this wkend when she comes home).
  9. Looks very nice, goodluck with the sale.
  10. Install it yourself, will take the best part of 30mins. Basically you just have to take your ECU out and using the supplied diagram just connect the RSM wires to the designated ECU wires (I used little plastic splice things that you just clip over both wires and it joins them together). Then get some 3M sticky pads and stick it to your dash/console somewhere.
  11. I agree. I switched from a HKS Pod to a K&N Panel filter in the standard airbox, it's efficient and it works with no hassles at all.
  12. I was at my local Autobahn on Sunday and noticed that they sell 2 cruise control (1 brand, 2 diff models). 1 runs of sensors on your accellerator pedal and the other connects into your ecu and pulses the speed signal wire. The 2nd 1 was ~$420 + $160 installation. I have no idea what brand it was but I read thru the brochure and it seemed fine.
  13. benm

    Group Buy Avcr

    geeze talk about AVCR groupbuy threads, this is about the 3rd in 3 days i've seen. Are A'Pexi overstocked or something ?
  14. I'll prob be at Braddon on Sat nite
  15. At what power level was that ?
  16. I'd have to say that a year or so ago this would have been true however now if your car isn't in the 12sec bracket it's just going nowhere. Plenty of WRX, S15, VL, Commodore, Falcon and even FWD buzz boxes in the low to mid 13's these days.
  17. no no no you are doing it all wrong.... you have to hit it at exactly 2:43 and 9:57 (none of this 10 and 2 crap) it's the only way. Or just drop down to UAS and borrow 2.5mins of their time...
  18. $600+ 2nd hand coils you can pickup from about $30ea or new coils from nissan are about $150ea I think.
  19. Buy some splitfires and you will save money in the long run
  20. They are probably encouraging you so that when something does break they'll just say "but it has been modified". I'd be reading the fine print atleast 5x
  21. benm


    I'd have to strongly agree with that. It depends who at the RTA you call, what day and at what time as to the answer you get.Basically just make sure you always have a jar of lube for your ass when you are out in your car... :wassup:
  22. Ouch abit expensive... Nengun: $1,087 Greenline: $1,100 Spoolup: Their is no GST or Tax on ECU's.
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