Absolute bullshit! I got a warning about having a pod fitted (no box, that was laying in the boot haha). I took the 'notice' to the local blue slip mechanic dude and he just laughed at me because he said their is nothing in his 'check book' that says an air filter needs to be covered. By then I had already replaced my hks pod with a stock airbox (prefer that anyhow) and got my noticed ticked off. Basically the cops have absolutely no idea, they are just looking for aftermarket parts. They spent about 5mins (3 cops) looking under my bonnet for a blowoff valve (which I don't have) meanwhile i'm there standing over my fmic Edit. Last night I was on the GWH on the way home from Parramatta (heading west) when I seen a suspiscious grey stock commodore behind me with chase rims and 2 older guys in it. They followed me (closely) for about 5km whilst having plenty of opportunities to overtake or merge into other lanes. Then an orange XR6T pulled up next to me at a set of lights and wanted to race. I let him go but about 3 sets of lights later the grey commodore decided to egg him on abit. They both took off and after about 100m the commodore threw his lights on and booked the orange XR6T.