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Everything posted by benm

  1. nice website...
  2. They have massive paddocks on 3 sides of the showground (the 4th side being the highway). Alot of people just leave their cars at the hotels/houses and catch a bus. Just remember to go down at midnight the night before to buy your tickets for the next day otherwise you'll spend an hour in the line.
  3. I've parked in the regular carpark for the last 2yrs running and not had a single issue. I'd be more worried about parking my car on a side street at Braddon on a fri/sat nite and walking more than 10m away from it than parking at the Nats parking paddocks. I'm not sure what i'll be doing this year... I might just drive down friday after work and hang in braddon until it goes quiet and then stay at my parents place in Goulborn and then go back for the saturday and the sunday. Last year I stayed in a very lush private apartment just near Parliament house and it was absolutely tops!!
  4. I have 6x 5L Motul containers here and I need to start getting rid of it
  5. WSID (Western Sydney) is $45, $5 of which goes into a prize pool for the best 3 reaction times of the night (and also another pool for anyone that gets a 0.000 R/Time). When busy you'd get a solid 5 runs however over the last 3mths you'd easily get 10 runs in a 5hr session (Wednesday nite).
  6. Like Fatz said, $16k for a 32 is gold, I wouldn't have hesitated unless it's like a 350rwkw monster.
  7. I'd like to hear more about him being a local and all....
  8. Anywhere is fine... until you hear a bad story from someone else and then you never park there anymore....
  9. I'm only a matter of days away from being ready again
  10. Time to head back to NSW Roy !
  11. Already been done...
  12. Which is still doing laptimes quicker than -plenty- of highly modded skylines that I know of...
  13. Absolute bullshit! I got a warning about having a pod fitted (no box, that was laying in the boot haha). I took the 'notice' to the local blue slip mechanic dude and he just laughed at me because he said their is nothing in his 'check book' that says an air filter needs to be covered. By then I had already replaced my hks pod with a stock airbox (prefer that anyhow) and got my noticed ticked off. Basically the cops have absolutely no idea, they are just looking for aftermarket parts. They spent about 5mins (3 cops) looking under my bonnet for a blowoff valve (which I don't have) meanwhile i'm there standing over my fmic Edit. Last night I was on the GWH on the way home from Parramatta (heading west) when I seen a suspiscious grey stock commodore behind me with chase rims and 2 older guys in it. They followed me (closely) for about 5km whilst having plenty of opportunities to overtake or merge into other lanes. Then an orange XR6T pulled up next to me at a set of lights and wanted to race. I let him go but about 3 sets of lights later the grey commodore decided to egg him on abit. They both took off and after about 100m the commodore threw his lights on and booked the orange XR6T. :wassup:
  14. Awesome rims. Anyone have any idea on what all the stock Skyline rims weigh? R32 GTR ? R33 GTS-t ? R33 GTR ?
  15. Why buy a GTR pump to replace a "used" GTS-t pump when a GTR pump is almost as old and "used" ? My brand new Bosch 040 intank pump cost me $350 fitted over 12mths ago.
  16. I'm after the clip that locks/opens the centre console lid (the thing you rest your left elbow on).
  17. ...unless it's an auto
  18. Try ~$110 which makes it much more attractive. I use the K&N and have no complaints.
  19. Exactly! My previous car cost me $800/yr to insure, my skyline costs me 3x that with the only difference being the type of car and the value of the car. If their are less skylines on the road driven by young P-Platers the chance of accidents/thefts/etc is less meaning insurance costs should come down (not next month or the month after but over the next 5yrs).
  20. Why is it that all the GTR Seats FS are in QLD
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