I'm currently with Famous and paying $3,000/yr ($2,700 + $300 because I pay monthly). Right now I am on 40% NCB however this should be changing to 50% NCB when my renewal is due. I decided to give JustCars a call today...
1995 R33 GTS-t with current mods @ 40% NCB = $2,400
1995 R33 GTS-t with current mods @ 50% NCB = $1,900 (<- this 1 may have been stock standard though)
1993 R32 GTR stock standard @ 40% NCB = $3,328
1993 R32 GTR stock standard @ 50% NCB = $2,755
At this stage i'll be going with JustCars even though i'm yet to get a quote from Famous based purely on the level of professionalism that JustCars have. To me it sounds like Famous is working out of a garage.