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Everything posted by benm

  1. You mean the chick that is now married to some dude from the Northside that drives a v8 ute?
  2. Interesting, my boost isn't holding up top either. I was told by the workshop that it is because i'm using a bleed valve rather than EBC. My Mods: R33 GTS-t S1 FMIC Full 3" exhaust 3" Cat TurboXS Dual stage bleed valve K&N Panel Filter Bosch 040 ... everything else is stock standard. We turned the boost from 12psi -> 13psi and it didn't make any difference, it still settled on 10psi up top. I'll be getting either an AVC-R or the P/FC Boost Controller addon when I get a PowerFC however that won't be until atleast the end of the year. Any ideas what it could be?
  3. 1 of the highlights of my day at the last EC trackday afew thursdays ago was listening to your wastegate as you went between turns 3-6, aweeesome
  4. hahaha thanks guys, most appreciated !! Ahh the big 22 It's all downhill from here i've heard Blitz: I'm a Premium lifetime member Koukla: Don't listen to them, they're all just upset they don't live in the west with all the chicks that go to clubs in uggies and mini skirts I've taken like 5 women on the cruises over the last 18mths of which only 2 were skanks and somehow I have a "reputation" . . . sheesh !!
  5. Feedback: I made a suggestion a while ago about the "/Events" area having heaps of threads from last century and an "/Events Archive" was created, great fantastic!! The problem is their is currently over 220 threads in the "/Events" section when their should only be around 20 (the other 200+ are all from earlier this year). It makes it quite time consuming and hard to work out what events are actually on soon and what was on 2mths ago when you have you go into each thread etc etc. I think more people would attend these posted events if it was easier to navigate by having ONLY the future "/Event" threads actually listed and the rest thrown into the "/Events Archive" basically, it's not being looked after. I'm happy to volunteer my time (for the NSW Section atleast). Gotta do something to keep me occupied when doing those niteshifts at work
  6. D'oh !! Drags, State Of Origin, my 22nd b'day and I'm working grrr
  7. I'm currently with Famous and paying $3,000/yr ($2,700 + $300 because I pay monthly). Right now I am on 40% NCB however this should be changing to 50% NCB when my renewal is due. I decided to give JustCars a call today... 1995 R33 GTS-t with current mods @ 40% NCB = $2,400 1995 R33 GTS-t with current mods @ 50% NCB = $1,900 (<- this 1 may have been stock standard though) 1993 R32 GTR stock standard @ 40% NCB = $3,328 1993 R32 GTR stock standard @ 50% NCB = $2,755 At this stage i'll be going with JustCars even though i'm yet to get a quote from Famous based purely on the level of professionalism that JustCars have. To me it sounds like Famous is working out of a garage.
  8. Blitz: You mean you noticed on the day? I was there to purchase I swear
  9. Most likely be there to spectate
  10. I'd suggest going to spectate for atleast 2 meets just to see how the whole meeting operates. Depending on how much you can take... spectator entrance is from 5-10pm. I normally get there around 7:30pm and just sit in the grand stand for an hour or so and then wander around. Go and checkout the pit area, watch how they all form up, what they do after each run, what they do before each run etc. You don't exactly get any instructions when you enter as a competitor so having this basic knowledge will help you out greatly rather than just arriving and driving and not having any idea what the heck your doing.
  11. No worries i'll PM you with my address so you can send the cheque
  12. www.broadbandchoice.com.au 'Plan Search'
  13. Is it possible to run both standard + aftermarket coils? I mean at $1000 for new coils i'd rather grab some 2nd hand 1's for between $50ea to $200 a set and just deal with the problem again in another 50,000km than shell out $1000 just to be able to use 12psi for 2mins per month which is what I currently do.
  14. Fo sure i'd hit it
  15. Long story short; On saturday I taped all 6 coils and my miss is gone however it feels slightly 'flat' on 12psi from 4500rpm onwards although it's been a while since I last gave it a flogging on a 'working' 12psi so it may actually be back to normal. I never drive my car on 12psi except at the drags (which won't be happening for a while) so that will give me time to permanently fix the problem. I have a feeling its #1 + #4 that's causing me problems. The #1 coil looked like the only 1 that may have had a hair-line crack on it and #4 I taped up last and my car definitely drove better when it was taped compared to when it wasn't. What options are their for aftermarket coils and at what price?
  16. Ahh sweet, noticed the slowness at work lately on 4MBit.
  17. ^bump^
  18. I'd be interested in seeing some pics of an updated/new R32 GTR interior. The dash is dog ugly which is 1 thing thats stopping me from buying an R32 GTR (I could dream). Give me an R32 GTR with an R33 interior any day
  19. My mum did 18x 1m35sec laps around Wakefield at our last trackday, didn't slow down but then again 1m35sec isn't exactly quick around Wakefield so we just kept going and lost track of how many laps we did haha. My quickest lap was #67 of the day (2nd last)
  20. With a sub 2sec 60ft time and 110mph TS you have a solid 12.7 begging Don't forget to read my signature
  21. No wonder the GTS-t is lighter than the GTR, look at all those useless engine bits on the bench
  22. So did we have any SAU Backup Bitches working or was everyone a Pit Bitch?
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