Well wasn't a bad nite, decent turnout I guess. The chick on the PA was really digging all the Skylines so I guess we made atleast 1 girl happy. Speaking of girls being happy how about the bottomless chick on that motorbike eh? Hubba hubba mmmm :wassup:
I think either my clutch is on the way out, my tyres are spinning at the top of 1st gear or I need to learn how to change gears properly, smelt a little bit after each run :Oops:
I managed to do a new PB on my very last run (as little as it may have been).
Old: 14.184
New: 14.163
Nice run on the last of the nite BOOSTD (even if you did brake just before the finish line hahah).
I'll be a spectator for the next month or so whilst im getting some other bits n pieces looked at then i'll give it another go.