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Everything posted by benm

  1. benm


    I don't mind changing brake pads but im not going to touch brake fluid. I've experienced first hand what happens when you have absolutely no brake pressure at all and then spent 9mths putting up with it. Just pay a mechanic to fix it, should cost you less than $100 all up including new DOT 5.1 Fluid.
  2. benm


    Get a brake mechanic to do it...
  3. Ex Cam Gear Lightened Flywheel PowerFC That'll give you response !
  4. According to the "1/4 Mile List" that I have... R34GTT-R is using 19's @ 30psi and still manages a 2.1sec 60ft'r.
  5. www.nengun.com = $245 + Shipping. Don't be fooled by what the Australia Import shops sell parts for...
  6. The new model RSM's can be bought brand new for $250
  7. Has it been dyno'd? What sorta power is it giving at all 4's?
  8. If your intent of this 'upgrade' is to make a fast drag car (tell me anyone that does drag racing to go slow) then your best off going to an R32 GTR simply because its faster from the factory than any GTS-t (even a GTS-t with $5k put into it). I've seen 'basically' stock R32 GTR's in the low 12's. To get a low 12 out of a GTS-t your gonna need $10k in mods + $20k for the car. Your best off picking up an R32 GTR (which in some cases are the same price as an R33 GTS-t) and then throwing $3-5k into it (to tidy it up) and your scratching on 11's. I've been seriously considering it myself. Originally I never liked the shape of R32's but i've seen a few nice clean straight 1's lately and they are really growing on me (its just the 15yr old dash design which is really holding me back).
  9. Also... get yourself a set of 'pineapple' for the rear. They cost about $160 installed and will give the rear end better squat.
  10. www.nismo.com.au should be able to help you out.
  11. Will do.... camera in 1 hand and spare gearbox in the other Time to see an 11.0sec I think
  12. I will hopefully be getting mine fitted/tuned this Wednesday.
  13. I'm extremely L:boobies2:O:boobies2:Y:boobies2:A:boobies2:L
  14. Hey.. its not like I planned it! Didn't even know Jamboree was on until last night when I got handed a Jamboree brochure at WSID :kick:
  15. Pity its not the factory maroon colour
  16. ..and they have bikini contests :boobies2:
  17. Nah looks like im now working Sunday (means I should be able to race next Wed at WSID). So i'll prob attend Jamboree on Saturday, then off to a 21st for the nite. Merli are you going to be spectating or in your fancy yellow shirt running around on the track ?
  18. Ok so who is going? I'm guessing not many (if any) due to the "Show N Shine" on the Sunday. I'll 90% be there on the Saturday, got a 21st on the Saturday nite so i'll be leaving for that afterwards. www.jamboree.com.au
  19. Some people may be interested in the most popular fuel for drag racers so take a look at the SAU 1/4 Mile Times on my personal website: http://skylines.pnc.com.au
  20. Where are you located and what sorta price are you looking to pay ?
  21. I'll be there spectating. Flaps: Sounds like it...
  22. ..wonder if it comes with a free bag of pegs.
  23. Well i've personally seen no difference at all between 38psi and 20psi and also comparing times on my 1/4 Mile List it doesn't really prove that lower psi = lower 60ft times.
  24. Yup straight fit. (I have a '95 S1) take 3 clips out in the middle at the back where it has 'skyline' on ur boot lid part, remove 3 bolts from each end of the rear bar on the inside (thru the boot). Remove your numberplate and light and then it just slides out. You can use all the factory bolts etc to put it back on, just a matter of sanding it back, priming and spraying. An afternoons work. The pods get bolted into the side of the rear bar and also into the bit on the back of your mud guard.
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